Proud of you Darling

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Hi so this is my first story so please bear with me. Also English isn't my first language so please ignore the grammatical errors. This is a boy x boy story about Jamal Musiala and Florian Wirtz so if you don't like it don't read it! I am very happy about every comment. So please let me know if you have feedback or wishes or suggestions on how to improve the story's I'm writing.

Jamal was lying in his bed, mindlessly scrolling on TikTok when he heard something shuffle next to him so he turned around. Flo was moving a bit too much in his bed but he couldn't just tell him that. He wanted them to get along as good as possible since they had to share this room for hopefully quiet some time. The trainers made them share a room although there was enough money for more rooms they wanted them to have the strongest possible connection. He looked at his phone again and saw an edit of Flo. He found himself watching those more frequently in the last few weeks. It was weird he though to himself but didn't question it further. He didn't want to ruin the kind of friendship they had right now. " Hey" he heard a quiet voice coming from the other side of the room. " Hey" he responded locking eyes with Flo for a split second before looking back to his phone." I am glad I got to play with you" Flo suddenly said. Jamal dropped his phone on the nightstand and looked at Flo instead. Flo was fiddling with his bed sheets and not looking at him. " Where does that come from?" Jamal asked feeling his cheeks burn up." I don't know I just thought about how we might not win the next game and how we might not play together ever again." Flo explained quietly." Don't say that" Jamal protested" We have a good team. Why would we loose?"

It was a rhetorical question really but Flo still had an answer:" Because I'm gonna make a stupid mistake again" he mumbled barely a whisper. The images of the disappointed faces of his teammates, that he had dreamt about came rushing into Flo's mind. The image of Jamal's disappointed and disgusted face telling him how they could never be friends let alone more. Flo quickly turned around to prevent Jamal from seeing the tears that started to dwell in his eyes and were now running down his cheeks." Flo are you ok?" Jamal asked worryingly." Yeah I'm fine" Flo forced out but his voice was cracking because he was crying. He desperately wished that Jamal didn't notice but of course he did. The tears kept getting more and he felt terrible. Almost as if the tears suffocated him and he was about to die. He closed his eyes to try to stop them from letting out these waterfalls of tears as he felt a weight on his bed. He turned around again desperate not to look in the eyes of the man that might be about to tell him that he doesn't have feelings for him and was just friends with him for PR. Someone grabbed his shoulder and made him lie on his back but he kept his eyes shut." Why are you crying?" Jamal asked pulling him up a bit." I'm not crying" Flo lied hoping that Jamal might just leave it and go back to bed. He then opened his eyes because he had finally stopped crying. Though he knew his eyes were all red and puffy he wanted to just be left alone. Jamal gave Flo a questioning look and he quickly looked down." Tell me why you are crying" Jamal insisted." Just thinking about a bad dream." Flo mumbled and then sucked in a breath when Jamal suddenly pulled him into a hug. Flo rested his head on the other man's shoulder and let himself be cradled in Jamal's arms. How often had he fantasised about this and stopped himself thinking it would never happen." About us loosing the game?" Jamal asked after giving Flo some time. He pulled away a bit to look at Jamal's face. He didn't look like he was going to make fun of him, no his face just showed true worry and something else Flo couldn't quite make out. After a time he nodded feeling the tears dwelling in his eyes again.    " You want to tell me about it?" Jamal quietly asked as if afraid that if he spoke too loud Flo would break. His sister told him once that it might help letting go of those dream that frustrated and followed him if he talked about them with someone. Maybe Jamal had these kind of dreams too." We lost" Flo sobbed" because I... made a dumb mistake." Now Flo lost it completely, throbbing hard and throwing himself into Jamal's embrace. He just needed the warmth of the other man right now. He cried into Jamal's shoulder basically soaking the others shirt. The feeling of drowning in self doubt destroying him and just causing him to cry even more. Jamal soothed him by rubbing his back with one hand and running the other one through his hair. When he finally calmed down a bit he whispered:" I just don't want to disappoint everyone. I am so scared of disappointing the team and my parents" his voice grew more hysterical with every person he enumerated." and I am scared of disappointing my sister and my niece and ... gosh I don't want to disappoint you." he finally concluded letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He just told one of his closest friends that he didn't want to disappoint him. Which could be read as just not wanting to disappoint his friend and family but he definitely meant not wanting to disappoint the person he loved so much." You should lie down. You look tired." Jamal said after some time. Breaking the awkward moment " Crying makes tired" Flo stated more to himself than Jamal." It does" Jamal responded while pushing Flo down so that he would lay on his back again. " Scoot over" Flo heard Jamal saying and made some space for the other man. When they were finally settled and turned to each other Jamal said:" You could never do anything related to football that would disappoint me." while stroking Flo's arm. Flo tried to keep his eyes open but his eyelids were about to shut any minute. Usually it would take him at least half an hour to fall asleep but he just felt so safe right now. And he didn't lie when he said that crying made tired. He was fast asleep and Jamal just smiled to himself as he laid an arm on top of Flo and went to sleep as well.
When Flo woke up he shot up immediately and the thing that happened yesterday evening relived in his head." That's so embarrassing" he shouted out and quickly covered his mouth after that a quiet 'shit' leaving his mouth. He heard a low chuckle next to him and turned around." Sorry that I woke you up. I really didn't-" Flo stuttered but stopped when Jamal sat up as well and said:" It's fine. Don't worry!" Jamal's eyes were as if clued to his own. Observing them and coming closer. Jamal cupped Flo's cheek with his hand and whispered:" You look so adorable right now. May I ?" Flo nodded quickly as two soft lips met his own to a tender kiss. When they broke the kiss Flo smiled like a lovestruck teenager." That's the gorgeous smile I love." Jamal mumbled into Flo's lips. He then started kissing all over Flo's face. His cheeks, his forehead, his nose ... . And Flo chuckled like crazy." Ah how I love that chuckle." Jamal said into the skin of Flo's neck. He then told Flo:" I am so proud of you, Darling. You could never disappoint me!" and kissed him again. Flo smiled pleased and asked himself if this was just the start of their story and what was to come. But he certainly knew that Jamal would be with him the whole time and stand trough the hard times with him and that thought reassured him enough to forget about the worries and just enjoy the moment.
That's it I hope you liked it.

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