Chapter 14

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That evening I just couldn't sleep as it wasn't only Marco, but Pablo also asked me to be his partner.

They both are great friends to me... But I don't want to make any of them feel sad at all...

----- TIME SKIP -----

I was staring out on the window, thinking when I noticed Diego, walking outside in the dark.

- Diego...

I hesitated for a second, but then I decided to go and talk to him now!

- Diego!! - I called after him when I was near.

He turned around and looked at me surprised.

- What are you...

- I want answers! - I snapped - What happened to you?

He looked at me blankly.

- Why have you been thrown out of the S Class? And why are you lying about Sebastian?

He just looked at me for a while then sighed deeply.

- You won't leave me alone until I answer you, will you?

- No!

- Fine - he sighed - Do you want to know why am I on the academy? Because I wanted to sing!

I stayed quiet while he continued.

- I wanted to sing... But things happened...

- What happened?

- So many things... But one day I got into a car crash...

I gasped.

- Nothing bad actually happened to me... I was already Sebastian back then... And that time I didn't know what it means to sing... What it truly means... To make people happy... Until I met that boy...

- Boy?

- Yes... - he sighed as he looked up to the dark sky - He was so happy... And so was all the kids... They know who am I... And they wanted me to sing... So I did... And it made me truly happy... To see their happy smiles....

I smiled.

- But now... I feel like I've lost something again... The joy of singing... I'm way more stressed out than usual and this might makes me not enjoying anything I'm doing...

- Diego...

This time he seemed truly broken and near to cry...

- No one wants to hear me... No one enjoys my singing anymore... - he stuttered.

- I want to! - I snapped and he looked over to me in shock again - I want to hear you over and over! You have an amazing voice and you make people happy!

He was even more shocked.

- Please... Don't give up like that... - I stuttered as now I was near to cry too - Please...

Diego's POV:

- Please... Don't give up like that... - Clara begged me - Please...

The way she was looking at me right now... Made me want to just hug her... But I think that'd have been awkward...

- You're an amazing singer! You shouldn't give up on what you love!

I sighed deeply again then smiled...

- Thank you for saying all that... - I smiled at her - Okay... I'll start everything from the beginning...

For you...

She smiled immediately as I said that which made me so happy... For some reason.

Her smile is something so beautiful... More than beautiful...

The look on her face made me really happy... And the sun was just coming up again which made her look even more beautiful...

Wait... Stop, Diego! Don't be a creep! And besides I can't fall in love with her!

This is against the rules...

But I might be stupid enough to do that...

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