Part 1: A little bit about Sophie

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          I am Sophie Garrett. I'm what most of you would call a "nerd". I don't think there is such thing, and to be honest, it seems rude to call people things just because they care about grades and school. Yet, here we are. I am a 16 year old.  I live in a modest split level house and go to Oakwood High. I stay invisible and I like it. I don't want to be a popular kid like other's do. There is more to life than everyone ogling you. My favorite subjects are history and chemistry. I am 5'6 with blue eyes and waistlenghth black hair. I don't wear much makeup, and prefer  to be invisible. I'm not one for drama and don't really have many friends. OK fine, I have no friends. But this is how all of that changes.

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