The Amnesty of Clara's Men

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In the absolution smell of uncertainty encased upon a dark shores, it was a wild and windy day, as the thunder vigorously roared. Raised voices are suddenly heard shouting in the not so far distance, as two men now stand on the edge of a here after...

"I meant no offense sir." A fragile timid man said shivering in the wind as his grey suit barely sheltered him from the frigid cold.

"No offense?" A man in black snarled standing toe to toe with the timid man on the jagged ledge of a barely kept together cliff.

"None." The timid man said trying to politely back away all the while persistently apologizing for his mistaken grievances he had now unexpectedly caused the man in black to vex.

"And what if I took offense?" The man in black said with rage in his eyes!

"Please sir__" The elderly timid man pleaded as the waves wildly crashed upon the rocks beneath him.

"Please what?" He smirked as his breath stained the nostrils of the peaceable man.

"Let me atone my deepest sympathies for what I have done to you. I meant no harm."

"No harm?"


"For what you did, Neigh! For what you have heinously destroyed! I could easily send you to the strawberry fields!" He hissed grabbing him by the collar as to choke his very existence away, as the sound of the crumbling ledge brought fright to the timid man, the closer on edge he stood.

The timid man could taste the salt of the sea upon his quivering lips. Or perhaps it was the taste of bitterness, the younger man in black, spewed from his curled mouth of vexation!

"You ruined me!" The man in black roared! "Worse! Because of your lack of respect, your lack of understanding.... Your evident carelessness, you have forever tainted whatever little sanity I had left in my safe haven that you have so carelessly destroyed!"

"I only wanted to help..." The timid man responded as he pleaded for mercy.

To his misfortune, it only laid upon deaf ears as the man in black seeing red, escalated his advances to how assault him! And without remorse.

"Beg all you like! The man in black sneered as the sea beneath the crumbling ledge, roared in surroundings of the dark sky as it became even more darker by the minute.... "Tell me sir, if you flap your arms hard enough like birds of a feather, will they turn into wings? Better yet, can you fly?" He asked.

"No..." The timid man nervously spoke trying to remain on solid ground and defend himself against the overpowering man in black. But it only baited his own rage as he pushed him further down without any effort. "Please..." He implored!

"Beg all you like." He snidely remarked entertained by the frightened and timid elderly man. "But I think instead, I"ll do as I said and I shall let you visit the strawberry fields..."

"And what if I send you there first?" Another man said abruptly coming from out of the shadows and now releasing the man in black's riled up grip from the peaceable soul!

Like an unaware angel flown out of nowhere in the dead of night, he now stood tall and broad between the elderly timid man and the bitter young man in black. In what seemed like a desperate and silent prayer answered, the stranger had suddenly stood straight a way in proximity for the timid man. As if he took his place. Better yet, appearing to temporarily save and salvage him from an eternal bleak fate.

"My offense is not with you..." The man in black said now suddenly feeling increasingly intimidated by the towering man dressed in the color of blood red!

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