Whirlwind hearts- chapter 1

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As the younger sibling of Inasa Yoarashi, you were well known to the second year students of Shiketsu high school: the UA equivalent for hero's in training in the West. Your first few months had been hectic, as expected of any hero course student, but you had managed well, and the other students in your class admired you for that. After all, wind manipulation was a difficult quirk to master, and you were on a quick road to success with your progress.

As a Yoarashi, you were expected to have a similar quirk to your older brother. Not that you were complaining—you admired Inasa—everything about him. His quirk, the way he expressed himself—your list could go on forever. When your family thought your quirk was hopelessly destructive, Inasa helped you control it. Without him, you doubt you would've made it into the hero course whatsoever.

Today you would be participating in an event that allowed you the opportunity to gain your provisional hero licenses. As you took the bus with the rest of your participating classmates from your year group and year two, you found yourself nervous despite the unrelenting training you'd been completing for the past week. Your brother, Inasa, gave you a curious expression as he observed your state—doubled over in the chair with a look of worry practically etched into your face. He chuckled quietly, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You'll be fine, ____. You've got this. I know you do." He offered you a genuine smile, which consequently brought some of your confidence back.

Inasa was retaking his exam in the hopes of getting his provisional hero license. Last year, he had failed due to refusing to work with the son of Endeavour, Shoto Todoroki, in his last exam. Inasa had a firm belief that every hero must have something that drives them. That they're passionate about. You always knew about Inasa's dislike for Endeavour but you usually just listened to him ramble for a few moments before taking your leave. He was usually too busy complaining that he hadn't noticed that you'd even left at all. He was determined to not become the person he hated so much again, and was driven to succeed this time around.

You smiled back at your brother, giving him a curt nod before slinging your backpack on your back as you felt the bus wheels screech to a stop. You followed your class as they trailed awkwardly out of the cramped bus, pushing and shoving into one another. When you finally made it out of the heavy air of the bus, you took a deep inhale of relief.

As you looked around you caught glance of the first year hero course students of UA. Class 1A, ever the famous class, was walking beside yours. You let out a small gasp of awe—feeling a sense of admiration that your two schools were on equal ground. You saw many students pass by—a pretty frog looking girl, a boy with unusually spiky red hair and teeth, a girl with long extending ear jacks—but none compared to the one that caught your interest.

A tall boy with short blue hair and glasses. His hair was styled into an undercut and his glasses made his eyes appear sharp and focused. He wore his uniform perfectly—not a speck of dust in sight. His tie was done up perfectly straight and his shirt was tucked neatly in his trousers. But that's not what caught your eyes the most. It was his smile. His smile was handsome and caring, and you couldn't stop staring at him. You didn't realise until your classmate walked into you, and you lost your balance and fell to the ground with a rough gasp.

He noticed immediately and broke from his single file line, leaning down and offering you a hand to help you out. Your Shiketsu uniform hat—which was mandatory to all students to maintain a high expectation of the elite school—slipped over your eyes in surprise and you pushed it up with your fingers to see who was helping you out. Your cheeks immediately flushed a light pink, which you tried to Ignore by averting your gaze.

With a sheepish smile, you accepted his hand and allowed him to pull you up from the ground. His hands were soft and warm and you couldn't stop the genuine smile that broke on your lips. "Thank you." You replied with a nervous laugh, to which he smiled in response and let go of your hand. You were slightly disappointed by the sudden loss of warmth his hand provided but ignored your thought. "No problem." He responded with a formal nod. "Tenya Iida, class 1A representative." He informed you, holding his hand out politely for a hand shake. You took it gingerly, giving his hand a light shake back.
"____ Yoarashi. Pleased to meet you." You responded back.

This provisional license test was going to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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