first prince

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IT WAS FINALLY THE NEXT DAY, news has spread across the world that the England King finally have a male heir.

The people of England are thrilled by the news and even they started celebrating.

Brielle smiled when the pope handed her baby boy back after being blessed

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Brielle smiled when the pope handed her baby boy back after being blessed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, i introduce you...Prince Damien Tudor!!" henry said with a thrilled tone and everyone in the room started to cheer

Henry smiled before he leaned lightly to kiss brielle and his newborn

"im very happy and thankful, my love" henry expressed in a small whisper with a smile and brielle smiled back

"he'll be as great as me, he'll surpass me" henry said lightly and brielle nodded

"i know he will" brielle agreed as she gently kissed damien's cheek

Then the crowd settled down a bit and the air got quite awkward when Queen Catherine walked in with the Princess Mary

"Mary!" henry smiled lightly as mary ran to him for a hug

"father" mary smiled before they pulled away, catherine was showing a genuine smile at the interaction

"Mary, this is your brother Prince Damien. You shall treat him well and with respect" henry said gently and the little girl looked over to the sleeping babg boy on brielle's arms

"he's so small" mary said

"of course, he's still a baby, my princess." brielle smiled as she gently crouched down to mary's height

"and you'll be the best sister to him and i believe you'll love him as much as i do to him and you" brielle chuckled lightly and mary's smile widened while catherine's smile slowly faded away

"i promise i will!" mary said with a small excitement and henry chuckled

"i know you will, my princess" brielle said gently before she uses her free hand to gently fix mary's hair

"Mary." Catherine said in a slight stern tone making mary turn to her, catherine offer her hand in which mary then dipped her head at brielle before going to her mother

Brielle sighed softly before she stood back up and gently rock the baby in her arms

"If you pardon us, your majesty" catherine forced a smile before she dipped her head at henry

"of course, Catherine" henry said with no emotion but there were acknowledgement as he nodded at her as she left the room with mary

"Princess Mary is such a lovely and well-mannered girl" brielle smiled lightly

"She is, isn't she?" henry chuckled lightly before kissing brielle's forehead

"I was planning to offer her hand in marriage to the prince of France" Henry said and brielle's ears perked

"We have plenty time for that don't we? The princess is still young, it's best if we let her focus on her studies and let her enjoy her childhood for a moment" brielle said lightly

"You know, i would've bash anyone for saying that but as long as its from your lips i don't mind and i might think about it" henry chuckled and so did brielle

"anyway, i'll go ahead and meet the lords, please take care of yourself" henry said and brielle nodded

Henry kissed brielle and Damien once more before leaving the area

Brielle sighed softly before looking around and smiled when she sees Taylor coming up to her

"Taylor, there you are!" brielle sighed in relief

"Is something the matter, my queen?" taylor asks in a slight panicked tone

"No do not worry, Could you please place the prince in the nursery with my other trusted ladies?" brielle asks gently and taylor nodded almost immediately

"Of course, my queen" taylor smiled as brielle handed her the small prince

"becareful" brielle said and taylor nodded before walking away to place the prince in the nursery

"My queen!"

Brielle smiled at the familiar voices

"Lady Coraline, Lady Violet" brielle chuckled lightly and the two ladies dipped their heads at her

"How's the new babe?" coraline asks with excitement

"He's doing so well, he sleeps alot" brielle laughed lightly and so did the two ladies

"any new gossips?" brielle finally cut to the case

"im up for a new tea" coraline said with excitement

"I think we should sit down for this cause i have a lot to say" violet said with a smile and coraline and brielle chuckled

"I heard there's a new girl coming to court" violet said lightly

"oh really, who??" brielle asks with curiosity

"Mary and Anne Boleyn."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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