Part 13 - Chapter 12

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"Hey Fitch," I waved and he scowled. "Come on in." Take a number. "I'm sorry, I'm a little behind. I just have to hop in the shower quickly and we can go, 'kay?"

I was already on my way up the stairs. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Beverly about to enter the hall. She checked in the doorway when she saw Fitch and turned immediately around.

"Wait!" Fitch demanded, "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"What was Casey doing here?"

Haven's warning revolved in my head, though I had every intention of disregarding it, but I didn't exactly know how to answer. "Uh, staring contest. -I won!" I nodded and hurried up the rest of the stairs.

Andy had taken the back staircase and met me in my room, stretched sideways across my bed. "So?" He asked, folding his hands behind his head.

"So, what." I pretended not to understand his question. I rushed around the room, gathering clean towels and my robe from the neat pile placed by Beverly, and ran into the bathroom.

"So, where were you all morning?"

"I was...running." I called through the door.

"With Haven?"

"I suppose you could say that."

"I thought I just did. You still going to try and convince me you don't have a thing for him? Because you'd be wasting your breath."

I didn't answer.

"That's, what I thought." Andy said. I could hear the self-satisfaction in his face, through the door.

"Good-bye Andy," I hinted.

"I met up with your buddy Doug last night."


"He seems pretty normal. Much more down-to-earth than I would have expected of people here. We're going out tonight to some guy's house up the shore. If it's fun, I'll ask if you can come next time."

"Don't do anything stupid."

"Wouldn't dream of it." He laughed.

I could hear Andy leave the room as I turned on the shower and jumped in. The warmth of the water pounded away the tension clenching my shoulders even as I rushed through the necessary ritual. I paused before getting out; breathing in the moist air and watching the water snake its way through my hair, making random tiny streams down my arms and legs. Haven was haunting every thought now, every movement.

After barely drying off, I threw on the nearest clean clothes I could find, grabbed a small bag with my toothbrush and an extra t-shirt and ran downstairs, abandoning the idea of drying my hair which always made it wavier than I liked.

I met up with Fitch in the parlor and we walked outside together. I assumed, because the town was so compact and cars were hardly necessary, that we would be walking to the designated spot. So I was surprised when I saw a glossy red convertible waiting at the end of the walkway.

"We're driving?" I asked, instantly feeling stupid.

"How else do you expect to get there?" Fitch looked at me strangely. "Hop in." He directed, walking around to the driver's side to open his own door. I wondered where the tent and all the junk needed for camping were hidden.

"Doesn't camping normally require some form of shelter?" I asked.

"Normally. But if you were stuck in a tent, how could you see the stars? I don't intend for you to do much sleeping anyway." He smiled. I was suddenly uneasy. Change the subject.

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