red clown terminator.

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I walking and saw something in the distance.maybe they can help me.Before I could say anything he yelled."HEY!"Something started shooting at him and hit me in the arm"Ahhhhh" I yelled.Just then a guy with something over his face told me to follow him.I did and he brought me to a girl than ran.

Maybe I should try small talk."What's your name?"I asked her.she pointed to the star on her.

"Do you not talk?"She nodded.

Just then the boy came back with another one and star gave him a gun.the Boy looked my age.

"Are you alright?" He asked.
" yeah I'm fine" I reply.

Star cuts a rope and something falls on the person or thing that attacked me.Me and the other boy watched it.As we backed up he looked at star.

"What was that?"He yelled.

"Don't yell at her!I yell in reply.

We looked behind us as we heard a gun cock.

"She doesn't talk, but you two need to start."said the boy.

" Where'd you get that jacket?"I looked at the first boy.On him was a teal blue jacket with a red line just above is elbow line.

"The other guy didn't need it."He said.

"Oh?You see that red?"He says pointing his gun towards the line.

"It stands for blood . it's a symbol of the Resistance.You're obviously not a resistance fighter,so take it off."

He waited a second.

"TAKE IT OFF!"He yelled pointing it closer to the first boys head.

The boy took the gun and aimed at the other while I and star watched.

"You point a gun at someone you better be ready to pull the trigger."

"Now I'm gonna ask you one more time.what the hell was that thing?"

He asked.


The first boy looked at me."what day is it?what year?"I gave him a look that told him I don't know.

The other boy replied"2018"

"What happened here?"He asked.

The other replied "judgement day happened.

"I gotta get out of here."

"You can't go on foot.The machines will cut you down.You need speed."

"I need a car"

Well,look,there's some by Griffith Observatory.they don't run though."

"Take me."

I look at star."What's wrong?"

Both boys look at me.

"GET DOWN" kyle yells.We do and for a few seconds something flies above us and a building falls down.We all start coughing from the dust.

"That was a hunter-killer." Kyle said.

"Thanks to you two they know we're here."

"What's your name kid?"the first one said.

"Kyle reese.Yours."

"Marcus.What about you what's yours?"He said looking at me.

"Taylor smith."I said.

Kyle smiled."Come on "He said and grabbed stars hand as we all started walking with them in the lead.

interrupted  (a terminator-kyle reese-fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now