Chapter Zero (echos of the past)

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England 2025 (City London)

We start in a large autorim, Hundreds upon Hundreds of people filled in, The press from ever channel known to man, pushes to the front and get there cameras rolling, Business men in there fancy suits look on with much interest as men whisper in their ears on how this will put them ahead of their competitors and make them rich, Political leaders sit at their staff talk to them telling them on what stance they need to take on this showing to get them re-elected, Military leaders look on as they have been invited to be shown the ultimate weapon one that cheats death itself,

The buzz of the room is loud, they hushed whispers of fake hellos, and the silent curse of everyone is never ending.

But it all comes to a stop, when one man walks up to the stand, everyone goes silent, and all eyes fall to him, as his mere presence silences a room filled with some of the most important people in the world.

The tension from the silence is so tight you could cut it with a knife, And this man does as he starts to speak

"Ladies of Gentlemen of the world, for the longest time, we have thought only one thing in life is certain, Death, Death has claimed everything, and everyone, and no matter how strong the opponent, or how long they have stood with poor, death has always claimed them, whether it be the passage of time, a lucky shot, or the most carefully thought plan in the world death has always won, Not conceived let me give you an example" The man spoke, having everyone briming on the edge of their seat already,

He pulls out a remote from his long withered white trench coat, and clicks a button on it, as the screen above him lights up with Dinosaurs roaming the wild hunting and this takes everyone's attention immediately

"252 million years ago the Apex Species of the world was the Dinosaurs. They stood at the top of the food chain, their power unmatched, they were king of kings in their time. But despite all of their power they still died, when the asteroids came, despite all they have achieved, death still came for them."

He clicked a button on the remote once again the screen flashed, showing the asteroids falling down to earth killing The dinosaurs, As one by one they all falled. The Man clicks the remote again and it shows images of today's world, wars, overcrowded cities, people dying in hospitals, Crimes, News about the problems of today.

"And the same thing will happen to us. Everyday we get closer and closer to our world ending event, everyday we get closer to the next accident that will wipe the human race off. the face of the earth and make us lose our place as the Apex Species. Look around many of you have gone to war, and all of you can agree that no matter what death wins in the end, no matter what death will claim us all"

The man once again clicks a button and a bar graph is shown on the tv, showing the estimated death rates for the next hundred years, and everyone looks on in fear as the rates keep going higher, and higher, and higher

"This is what's coming for us all, DEATH IS WHAT IS COMING FOR US ALL"

The lights go out and they dim back on making the man on the stage the only thing you could see

"But what if I told you death doesn't have to be the end, What if I tell you that here at Echo labs we have been working hard to undo death itself"

The man once again clicks a remote and the tv turns back on showing clips of scientist working hard inside a lab

"What if I told you we have not only found a way to reverse death, to raise the dead, what if I told you it's be done already"

The screen shows the scientists in the lab insert something into a dead dog and they watch as the dead dog comes back to life

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