Chapter one (7 years of this hell )

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We continue where we left off from the last chapter, in the streets of a ruined New York city. The building is destroyed, vegetation takes the building and streets. And Zombies roam around like they own the streets.

And Yet despite that, one of our surives is sining as they walk down the streets not a fucking care, and to add insult to injure the mother fucker is dancing as they walk down the streets.

"Oh baby do you know what that's worth, oh heaven is a place on earth" Spoke the young man, his voice holding no fear despite the shitty world they live in.

"Drake stop messing around and stay focus, we have a job to do." Spoke the old lady, her voice quick yet powerful, like when your mom finally finished counting down from 3.

Despite her commanding tone, Drake didn't stop Dancing. "Come on Margaret, we all ready did our mission. We gather our supplies and all we have to do is get back to colony 8 and drop them off. I mean like come on how many times have we done this. 10, 15, 20, 100 times. We have got to be experts at this. What's the problem with trying to make these boring supply runs a little more fun." Drake spoke his voice like a child pleading with their mother to have a later bedtime.

"Riley come on back me up here, I'm right on this, and you know it."

The large young lady now known as Riley looks at Drake rolling her eyes as she laughs. "Don't look at me for help Drake, you're the one who chose to go against our dear mother dearest on what to do and not to do."

"For the last time I am not your guy's mother. Just because I'm the oldest and was a mother doesn't make you people my children. And besides, if I was your mother, Ren would be my favorite." Margaret points to Rent as she speaks.

Ren, the ever silent warrior, simply looks at them. His Mask hides his emotions or how he is at fault about this. But that was not new. It would be a cold day in hell before Ren showed emotions. Or his face for that matter.

Drake was quick to counter this blasphemy. "Oh come on, that's bullshit. You're only picking Ren because he hasn't said anything In the last what... 16 hours."

Drake points to Ren his hands doing crazy movements "I bet I can tell you what he's thinking right now. And it goes something like this. (In a poor gruff, rough voice) Im Ren, death before Dishonor, I don't know what a joke is. My one and only true lover is my left hand"

As Drake was laughing at his own Joke everyone looked to see Ren's response. And his response was simple and effective. He put his katana to Drake's throat.

"Easy Ren easy, lets use our words here. Our I guess in your case glares." Drake gulped as the cold steel of Ren's blade was a simple few inches from his neck.

Ren continues to glare at him with his sword put up against Drake's throat, but no one in the group was afraid as they all knew Ren wasn't gonna kill Drake. That just isn't who he was and this group is too much like a family to hurt each other.

But their humor stops when the sound screams are heard. And the survivor group looks up and they see some infected looking at them, and starts moving towards them.

"Look alive people we have got zeke inbound"

Drake pulled up his Ak, the subtle click could be heard as he flipped off its safety, ready to add more zeke to his kill list. Riley pulls out her two desert eagle handguns, taking her stance as the group's backbone. Margaret positions herself using the hood of a car as support as she zones in on the infected about 50 feet from them. And Ren grips his Katana as he starts to move in to close the distance between him and the unholy creatures in front of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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