Gods I miss you

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"Your majesty a letter has come for you." One of the Royal Palace's staff brought in a letter

"Just set it on my desk." Alistair waved his hand, he was lounging in his reading chair trying to calm his mind before bed.

"It's from Queen Emmalyn."

Alistair nearly burst out of the chair for the letter almost tripping over the Queen's all black mabari Zoe, taking it in his hands quickly and with care.

"You may be excused." Alistair doesn't even look at the staff.
Alistair hastily opened the letter, it had been exactly three months since he wished his Queen good luck at Vigil's Keep.

My dearest Alistair,

I hope you're doing well at the castle. Gods I miss you. Not having you at my side is lonely.
I hope Zoe is behaving herself I know she can get up to mischief. Smart enough not to talk a old friend used to tell me anyway...it's always some new bull crap each day here at Vigil's Keep, it makes me miss my the routine at the castle.
The mage I recruited thinks he's funny, Anders is a nice enough guy but I'd rather have my sweet prince with me.
Oghren is well you remember, he's at least decent to have around in a fight. And he still finishes any food I don't eat nothing is going to waste. Haha.
And I recruited someone else too. Nathaniel Howe...I know what you're probably thinking a part of me wanted to kill him in that tiny cell they had him in but I figured becoming a Grey Warden would be a worse punishment.
Nate is actually a skilled rouge, he is no Liliana however. But I was wrong about him, it's too bad his father was a piece of dog shit because Nate is actually quite charming.
Anyhow I must tell you from one Grey Warden to another...we're dealing with more than I first thought, talking dark spawn. I'll write to you once I know more.
And when all this is done my dear prince I'm sorry but I must go searching for Morrigan I know she can help us. I hope you understand.

All my love your Emma

Alistair gripped the sides of the paper it hadn't been that long since Queen Emmalyn had returned to her duties as Warden Commander but here she was ready to run off after the apostate they once called friend.
A chill went through Alistair, he just wanted his queen there with him.

People had started to talk.
King Alistair and Queen Emmalyn hadn't been able to provide an heir.
He knew this would be an issue but Queen Emmalyn was determined to provide an heir.
Not that Alistair complained that meant more fun behind closed doors with his Queen but they had been married for almost a year now and there was no sign of Queen Emmalyn getting pregnant.
It didn't help with her now away in The Coast lands fighting dark spawn again.
Maybe she felt Morrigan would help but Alistair was uneasy about asking the witch for anything.

The people of the court began to whisper, they must have thought he was stupid, blind or something.

'King Marric had both his sons in no time.'
' I wonder what's taking them?'
'Its plain to see that King Alistair cares more than the queen does.'
'Did you hear the queen ran off to the coast lands?'
'Shes probably sleeping around.'

Zoe sniffing the letter broke Alistair out of his trance.

"You smell your mom?" Alistair asks the black as night mabari
Zoe whined sitting on her back legs before huffing clearly upset that her best friend and master wasn't there.

"You smell your mom?" Alistair asks the black as night mabari Zoe whined sitting on her back legs before huffing clearly upset that her best friend and master wasn't there

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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