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I awoke to the soft glow of dawn filtering through the bedroom curtains. The excitement of yesterday's events was still ringing in my mind. I quickly got ready, pulled on my favorite outfit, and ran downstairs to find breakfast being made.

"Morning, dear," said my mother, placing a plate of pancakes on the table.

"Morning, Mom! Can I go to the library after school today? I want to find more books on aviation," I asked eagerly.

"Sure, honey. Just make sure you get home before it's too late," my mother replied with a smile.

In school, I couldn't stop thinking about the stories I'd read about pilots and airplanes. I concentrated on my classes, but my mind kept drifting toward the sky. During recess, I shared my dream of becoming a pilot with my best friend, Lily.

"This is so wonderful, Elysia! One day we can travel the world together," Lily said, her eyes wide with excitement.

After school, I rushed to the library, my backpack bouncing with every step. I spent hours reading books on aviation, learning about famous pilots and aviation policies. I also found a book with step-by-step instructions on how to build a simple model airplane.

When I got home, my father was waiting for me with a surprise. "Hey, Elysia, I've got something for you," he said, holding out a small box.

I opened it and saw a model airplane kit inside. "Thanks, Dad! It's perfect!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

That evening, I started building the model airplane with my father's help. Together with my sisters, Hannah and Evelyn, we made it a family project. We laughed and chatted as we carefully assembled the small pieces, bringing the plane to life.

When I went to sleep that night, I felt a deep sense of excitement and happiness. With my family's support, my dream of flying felt one step closer.

The next day, I woke up early, filled with excitement about what was to come. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to find my mother already at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, Mom! Can I bring the model airplane to school today?" I asked, unable to contain my excitement.

"Sure, honey. Just be careful with it," my mother replied, smiling at my excitement.

At school, I couldn't wait to show my classmates the model airplane. When it was time for show-and-tell, I proudly stood in front of the class and explained how my family and I had built it together. I talked about my dream of becoming a pilot and how I was learning everything I could about airplanes.

"That's great, Elysia!" my classmate Alina exclaimed. "Maybe you can teach us how to make one too!"

The rest of the school day flew by as I basked in the compliments from my friends. When I got home, my father was waiting with another surprise.

"I saw how much you enjoyed building that model airplane, so I got us tickets to the air show this weekend," he said, holding out the tickets.

My eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? That's amazing! I can't wait to see real planes up close!"

The week seemed to drag on as I eagerly anticipated the air show. Finally, the weekend arrived, and the family headed to the airfield. The air was filled with the roar of engines and the smell of jet fuel. I watched in awe as planes of all shapes and sizes performed acrobatic maneuvers in the sky.

"Look, Elysia, there's a pilot over there. Do you want to talk to him?" my father asked, pointing to a nearby pilot in a crisp uniform.

I nodded, and we made our way over. The pilot greeted us warmly and answered all my questions about flying and what it took to become a pilot.

"You've got the spirit, young lady. Keep studying and working hard, and one day you'll be up there too," the pilot said with an encouraging smile.

As we drove home that evening, I felt more inspired than ever. The dream of flying seemed closer and more attainable, and I was determined to do everything I could to make it a reality. With my family's unwavering support and my own relentless motivation, I knew that one day I would soar like a bird in the sky.

Dear readers,

Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of "Fly Like a Bird." I hope you enjoyed following Elysia's journey as she takes her first steps toward her dream of becoming a pilot. Stay tuned for more adventures and heartwarming moments with Elysia and her family. Your support and feedback mean the world to me!

Happy reading.

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