♡ forest ♡

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Bakugou is left embarrassed, unable to stop Deku from juggling his cheeseballs. Bakugou blushes, then kneeling down beginning to fiddle with Dekus brussel sprouts. They go for days, not bothering to eat anything for the next few days.

Deku suddenly stops, his voice wavering. "I-Im so h-hungry.. I could eat anything." Before Bakugou could answer, Deku begins gnawing on the cheeseballs.

Bakugou secretly likes it, so he doesnt care enough to stop him. Deku suddenly stands up "W..wait. I'm l-lactose intolerant!!!"

Bakugou could hear Dekus stomach rumbling "I-im g-gonna.. i-im gonna!! GET READY TO RUMBLE!!" The ground starts to violently vibrate, he quickly pulls his pants down, uncontrollably shitting everywhere. It lasts for exactly 22 seconds.

Bakugou is weirded out for a moment, then says "It smells amazing!!" Soon as he says it, Deku grabs a HANDFUL of it shoving it up his nostrils, massaging it into his nostrils.

Deku immediately gets up, looking up at the sky noticing it's a full moon. He then growls ferociously, getting coated in fur and a snout slowly forming around his mouth area. Deku let's out a howl, getting on all fours sprinting off into the forest.

"I'm so hungry, I could eat ANYTHING" Bakugou says, grabbing handfuls of it just continuously shoving it into his mouth. This causes Bakugou to rapidly SHIT EVERYWHERE, launching him into the air.

He then falls onto Deku's back who was still running around the forest in all fours. Deku is startled by this, causing him to turn around and bite Bakugous arm.

Bakugou screams, soon turning into a howl. "W-what did you do to me, shitnerd!!" He says as fur starts to form on his skin, aswell as a snout.

"My teen life with Kacchan!" A BakuDeku love story. (Smut, fluff)Where stories live. Discover now