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Jeongin was just sitting on his couch until the lights started flickering

Jeongin's pov :

God am I being paranoid again? Or is it just my stupid friends who are flickering my lights?

"Jeongin? " a random voice called out

Now what the actual fuck

"What the fuck? Who are you? " I nervously asked

"It's me.. " Answered the random person

Huh? What does he or she mean 'it's me'?

"It's me Jeongin your lover'

Wha- I swear if this is another prank I'm gonna kill my friends

" no, no you're not Seungmin, HE DIED 1 YEAR AGO"

after I said that I suddenly felt a pair of arms on my waist.. But I live alone?

Is he really Seungmin? Even if he is there would be no way it's true cause he died 1 year ago because of a car accident

Suddenly I felt someone kiss my fucking neck

Now what the fuck is happening to me right now? How do I explain this to my friends? Will I have to go to therapy once again?

"Just turn around and see for yourself sweetheart"

What the hell?! Sweetheart?! Only my Seungmin can call me that

But you know what? Fuck everything I'm turning around to see if it's really Seungmin


He isn't lying.

After I turned around I saw him

The love of my life the one and only Kim Seungmin

[ A/N : Hey y'all I wanted to try a horror kinda story so here it is😝 ]

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