Part 1

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"Call her right now!" A man in his early 60s said with a firm tone. "Please For God's sake! Leave her alone!." A lady in her late 50s replied. "Listen to me carefully! I want her here rn or else I'm gonna break that head of yours and later I'll make her life hell." The man argued. "She is your daughter! Why are you doing this to her? She didn't even know them.. She never met them before, so how can you fix her marriage like this? What's my daughter's fault in all of this? " "Because she is the only one who can save our family's pride. And how can you forget all the things I've done for you both? It's time to return the favour.'

The lady became helpless and she called her daughter... A girl was sitting in front of her laptop and was finalizing some designs when her phone rang.. The Caller Id showed ,"Mrs Kim".. She did'nt received the call at once but after 2 to 3 calls she finally decided to receive it..She received the call "Yes Mrs Kim! Why are you calling me continuosly? If someone is not receiving your call it clearly means that they must be busy or they don't want to talk." The girl said in a cold tone. "Yuna! Please listen to me once my daughter ! I'm here at Joon's cousin's marriage ceremony, and I'm not feeling well..Joon is out of county rn...and Mr Kim is busy with his friends ..can you please come and take me home? Please yuna..." After realising her mom's state, Yuna decided to pick her. She got ready and reached at the wedding venue sent by her mother. Yuna's parents live in daegu. She and her brother Kim Namjoon Live in Seoul. They both have their own buisnesses and are very focused towards their careers. Namjoon in out of country rn..So Yuna have to pick her mother and drop her at Namjoon's place. Her relationship with her family is not too good. Her life is good untill now. She didn't knew what's written in her destiny. Her decisions are always right but this one will make her life upside down.
She enters the room where her mom asked her to come and her feet got frozen watching the scene in front of her..Her Father was pointing a gun on her mother's head and in a blink of time two guards held yuna's arm tightly and snatch her purse from her hand.
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE???!  she asked in an angry loud voice. "Nothing my precious daughter! I just want to make a deal with you." Her father replied. "What do you mean?" she joined her eyebrows and asked with a questioning look. "It's easy, if you want to see your mother alive, you have to marry my nephew."  "ARE YOU OUT OF MIND? I'LL NEVER DO THAT!!" she almost screamed in anger." "The deal is simple,if you want to see your mother safe, you've to marry him." He then pushed her mother towards other guards and ordered them to lock her in a suffocated place. "Ya..Ya Kim Ha Joon! You can't do this are aware of her can you do this to her..." she said in a pleading voice trying to free herself from the gaurd's grip. "Just say yes my darling daughter, and your mother will be free at the end of the wedding. "But why should I marry him?? He was already getting married to love of his life..then why do you want me to marry him?? She asked with a frustrated tone.. "Because his bride is not here anymore..she ran away after taking a big amount of money from his father,she was a gold digger and she always wanted his money..and brother knows it but my nephew was blind cz he was in love with her..So, now she is not here and if i'll get you to marry my brother's son..he will give me 50% shares of one of his company and with that, I'll become more rich and that's what I want ."

"You know what? I'm not shocked. I know you can do anything for money." "Yes I know you know everything, now don't waste my time and get ready or else your mother will die."
She became helpless now....She was unable to call anyone..her phone was in her bag that got snatched..guards were around her all the time..her mother's life was in danger..The only thing which can save her mother's life was this marriage. And she was now ready for this. Her relationship with her mother may not be good..but she loves her mother, she love her the most and she can't bear to lose her.

On the other side.
"How can you decide such a big thing for me???" A boy 30 years old, having almond shaped dark brown orb asked with an angry tone. "So what do you want me to do?? Guests are here and the girl you choose for yourself left you alone, you want me to make a scene here and tell everyone that Kim Ji Ho's Son Kim Taehyung's bride has ran away from the wedding??  I've told you that girl is not sincere with you, but you never believed me. But I'm done with your non sense Taehyung! We are not the ordinary people. WE ARE KIMS, WE HAVE A NAME AND OUR HONOR MATTERS THE MOST TO ME." His dad replied. "Your honor is the only thing that matters to you." Taehyund said with a heavy tone. "Tae! Try to understand! The girl dad has choosen for you is best for you..she is not an ordinary girl who'll make it difficult for you..I know her, She is a good girl tae." Taehyung's elder brother Jin tried to covince him. "I didn't expect it from you guys are pressurizing me to marry a girl whom i didn't even saw in my life." "ENOUGH WITH THIS DISCUSSION!! You are going to marry that girl rn..You've never contributed in my company, you always wanted to be an author and you did what you want. I've never stopped you. But you are my son and this whole thing will affect my honor and I'll never gonna tolerate this.So Now! YOU HAVE TO MARRY THAT GIRL AND THAT'S MY FINAL DECISION."  With that his father leaves the room.

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