School ain't so bad

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Rin was in deep thought, currently he was training on the roof of his dorm and if you asked what he was thinking about it was his swords. He didn't know which one to carry on him. On the one hand his old man told him to never go anywhere without the Koma sword, but wouldn't it be better to keep it hidden. Rin was the only one with the key to get to it and he carried it with him everywhere, it was swaying from his neck right now. His old man didn't want him using it but he would have to if he wanted to beat Satan. It was the only way to use his full strength. 

‘So what's the problem?’


Rin stopped what he was doing and turned to Yukio who was dressed in his exorcist uniform. “What are you doing up here?”

“Training four eyes. You've got four eyes and still can't see that. Hahahahahah!”

Yukio had a vein pop out of his forehead and his hand itches for his gun. “I was being polite!” Yukio took a calming breath before he continued. “Anyways I'm going on a mission, be sure to study those books I gave you.”

“You mean those kid books?”

“For a fool like you, that level is the easiest way to make you understand.” Rin grimaced at his little brother before a light bulb flashed over his head.

“You know Yukio, I'm more of a practical learner.”

“I can't deny that is true.”

“So how about you take me on your mission? I'm sure I can learn more watching you than digging my nose in a book all day.”

“... Nii-san you are still a page and that means you have no authority for field training.”

“Oh come on Yukio I'm already field tested ain't I.”

“.....Fine I will allow you to observe and only observe.”

“Yeah! You're the best Yukio.”

Rin ran down the stairs to their dorm and hurriedly put on his uniform. He grabbed his sword holder and paused. He looked at where he had locked the Koma sword away and debated on whether to take it with him. He shook his head and put his other sword inside and met Yukio at the door.

“Ok this is the supplier’s key, one of the keys only qualified exorcists are allowed to have. Keys are important in this world so be sure to keep yours safe.” Rin gripped the key he had put around his neck and nodded his head in remembrance. Yukio put the key in the door and when he opened the door they were in the sky.

“This is soooo HIGH!” Walking on a long path Rin looked over the edge and he could barely see the street below.

“Are keys like portals or something?”

“The academy is an important place for exorcists, for the order. And thanks to Mephisto’s powers it's protected by barriers, changes and labyrinths. We use these keys to get around so we won't get caught up in any of these traps.”

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