" where am I"•1•

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You yelled into you radio, talking to your captain as the previous building you were just in got blown up

" What do I doWhatI'm a sniperWhatnot hand and hand!"
You shouted, running through the woods as the men behind you started catching up

" Good by vapor." Your eyes snapped to your radio with confusion and hurt, you shook the feeling away tossing the small device in your hand and focus more so on what was infront of you, you're breath heating up the mask as it hitched, you legs burning from how fast you've been running. " FUCKIN GET 'ER!!" a British man exclaimed at the exact moment your foot made contact with and uneven rock quickly making you lose your balance and tumble down the hill. Hitting sharp rocks and rough twigs, some digging into your skin.

It got too quiet for you once you finally made it to the end of the hill, blood pouring from somewhere on your head with more cuts along your body, just as you were about to get up someone's foot made contact with your back pushing you back down to the rough cold ground

" tie his hand. Tight. " the man with the a cigar in his mouth spoke

Everything was so blurry as the blood lose caught up to you and the adrenaline wore off.

The man with a red ghost mask bent down and lifted you head up by your chin " cap, he might need medical attention."

'He?? Bitch I'm a female..'You thought as your eyebrows frowned

" pick him up and let get out of here, his men are already dead"

As you were already to tired to even keep your head up the red skull masked man picked you up

' he's light as a feather..'the man thought as they walked back to the car.

" Ugh.." You grunted as they placed you down and tightened you in the seat as the road was going to be really bumpy. Once all the doors shut, the car slowly started but soon took off
Every here and there a bump making everyone jump

" soap apply pressure onto his wound. "

" I would have to take off his mask sir.. to much tackle gear."

" do what you have to, keep em alive though."

" yes sir."

Soap grabbed one of rags next to him and pulled the "man" over to him taking off the mask and the balaclava his eyes widened, not just at the amount of blood cover the person face but it was a female knocked out cold

" well.. it's  not a he"  everyone's eyes shot back to Soap as he held the woman head with the rag pressuring on her wound

" we've been tracking a woman... that why the fuckin name we got showed no record " soap turned to the man beside him

" roach hand me another rag, cap you might want to step on the gass" soap said grabbing the rag from roach and replacing the rag on her head with the one getting another hiss from the girl

About after another 45 minutes of driving they reached their base. Soap put her mask back on and rushed her to the medics as price already ordered him. As the rest of the team got out and carried all the weapons they took back. As they got into the common room and threw the guns down

" debrief in an 1 hour. Freshen up you all stink like cows" Price said, getting a nasty side eye from ghost " your one to be talkin" his britsh accent rough.

After the debrief soap, he went back to the medical center and saw the nurse walking out of the vapors room

" Ay buddy, is the girl aight?" the nurse raised an eyebrow, looking at the clipboard

" Well... yes, she should be, but.. she might be out for a while. I'm guessing she took quit the tumble, her rist is sprained, obviously she has a pretty good cut on her head, I do still have to do an x ray so I'll get back with your team on that"

" Alright, thanks, man.." His Scottish accents softer now that he's relaxed, he walked into the room and sat down near the hospital bed looking at the girl sleep peacefully

" Still can't believe vapors a woman."

" No, the only one, Johnny." Soaps eyes snapped to the corner of the room seeing his Lieutenant. " Jesus christ, man.. fuckin scared me"

" be more aware of your surroundings, you'll be dead before you know it."

" .. she good for a snipper don't you think.. better than you even"

" watch it."

" sorry sir. But you'd have to admit it.. I wonder about her background. "

" That's what I'm concerned about. There's no data on her at all. Her background is a mystery until she wakes up, " Ghost said, leaning on the end of the bed and looking at the clipboard

It was quiet until vapor shifted, her head slightly moving from side to side, her face showing all different kinds of emotions. Some of her finger twitching

" soap back up a lil bit" Ghost watched his eyes held confusions until something clicked he's had a few night like this after a mission went south, she's having a panic episode in her sleep, probably flash back

" Why would you leave me there..." she mummbled, pain and anger filled her voice. The nurse came speed walking in " move a side." He spoke, and he shot another iv into her arm, her monitor calming down as her chest rose and fell.

" give her some space yeah. Out go to bed. " hr said, shooing them out.

The nurse turned around and almost jumped out his pants as he saw the girl leaning up

" where am i."

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