(chapter 5)

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    When they arrived to the secret police station ,ceylin saw umut and eren looking at her  with disgusted face expressions,ceylin didn’t say anything she only asked to see ilgaz,but eren only told her that ilgaz will be so disappointed if he knows that she is involved , “eren look I only need to see him I know he'll understand me I need to give him an explanation” said ceylin .

   Due to security measures, ceylin and zafer were held in different rooms, ceylin started crying once alone,thinking of her mother, her sick sister inci and of her life that will be shattered now.

    When ilgaz arrived to the police station he found  eren waiting for him outside , ilgaz was so angry he directly started shouting :“where is that bitch i'll kill him he'll beg for death and won’t see it “
“Ilgaz brother, listen you have to be calm,the man is inside he won’t go anywhere but you need to know something”eren tried to say while blocking the entrance so he can't enter.

    ilgaz passed his fingers through his hair and let a deep sigh, Eren was looking at him with pity he didn’t know how he will tell ilgaz that zafer is ceylins dad while ilgaz was telling him yesterday that he felt for ceylin and how a wonderful woman she is he even talked about his plans to invite her for a date and ask her to be his girlfriend…

   “Eren say it or I will break your head”shouted ilgaz .

   While chewing his lips Eren said with a little voice "Ilgaz zafer is Ceylin's dads and while arresting him we find him at the airport with her trying to escape”.

   Ilgaz didn’t say anything but ran inside the building, when he saw umut he shouted” where is she ?” Umut pointed to a door , when ceylin heard Ilgaz's voice she  started  crying more. She hated the fact that she is the reason behind his anger. Ilgaz took a deep breath before opening the door he then opened it he found ceylin sitting on the floor her back to the wall and her face hidden between her palms.

  lgaz looked at her for a moment then told her” ceylin stand up , have a sit and stop crying it won’t help you at all believe me”  and  then left the room.
He found the chief there next to Eren,the chief told him that they are starting  and that he can’t get in , when Ilgaz tried to protest he told him that it's an order and that he needs to go see the girl while they will keep him updated .
Ilgaz got more angry; he was literally waiting for this day for so long the chief promised him this years ago .
When he entered the room where Ceylin was he found her still crying on the floor where he left,he then told her to come and sit. Okay Miss Ceylin erguvan start from the beginning please and without skipping any details I no longer have time to listen to you.

With her palms Ceylin swiped her arms while taking the chair to sit in front of Ilgaz.
She then asked with a little broken voice : “Ilgaz please I have been here for too long can I get some water please?“
He looked her in the eyes for some instant, then left the room and he was back with a bottle of water and some sweets.
“Yes I'm listening”he said with a rough voice trying to not look her in the eyes this time.
“Ilgaz I know you won't believe me but I really don't know what happened or what's happening , I just found out that my dad have some pics of your mom in his USB and that's it “ said Ceylin between cries.

“Look, I don't care about what happened or what's happening and remember we don't know that you are saying the truth, tell me how you tricked me, how you made me believe in you and tell you things I've never told to people, how I shared with you secrets only me and eren and Umut know “ Ilgaz shouted again.
“I swear I don't know what happened I learnt who is your mom when I saw her picture on your night stand in İzmir that day, I didn't know she was the woman in my dad's UCB “ said Ceylin between pants.
“Is stupid written on my face? Do I look like a stupid who will eat this words? “ Shouted Ilgaz while standing up to leave the room.he than went to ask Umut about the UCB Ceylin is talking about. When Umut told him that they didn't find anything in the luggage, he came back and asked her about the UCB she only said that it's hidden in her dad's port office in a small crack in the wall.

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