Sick again....

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-Little preview-
Basically the reader has really poor health and she don't know what's causing it making her feel powerless and weak, but fear not Diluc is there to comfort. It's kinda short but hope you'll enjoy it! (based on my own experience) Fem! reader x Diluc
It was another one of those gloomy and annoying days. You were sick once again. You keep getting sick nearly every other week and it has been taking quite a toll on your mental health. You feel helpless, weak, useless laying in your bed for what seemed like forever. You didn't know why you were sick all the time and unfortunately neither did the doctors, it was bothering you so much.

"Ughh why am I even alive if I'm going to be sick nearly EVERY. FUCKING. WEEK. Just kill me already damnit." You said to yourself while laying down in your bed. You were smelly and sweaty, not knowing whether it was day or night. You didn't actually wanna die, because you had Diluc with you, he was the love of your life, he made you so happy you were so lucky to be with him. Sometimes it even felt like you didn't deserve him.

"I think I really need some fresh air" it felt weird to say that because you usually don't go outside unless it is really necessary, which is quite disappointing, little you would be pretty mad. Slowly taking off the warm blanket you put both your legs on the ground. Dizziness and blurry vision immediately hit you like a truck making you lay back down in pain. "Ughh ouch" you groan in pain. That's not gonna stop you though. Set on your mission to get up you quickly stood on both of your feet, a bit too quickly, making you fall on the floor with a loud thud.

"Well guess I'm gonna spend some time on the floor *sigh*" not what you had imagined but it's not the smelly bed at least. As you laid down you heard loud footsteps approach the door. 'Diluc!' you though trying to collect your energy and get back to bed. Diluc decided to stay with you for the day since he didn't have much work to do, he was extremely worried checking up on you every two hours. You didn't want to worry him more by laying on the floor all of a sudden, but you didn't have energy to move.

"Dear are you alright?" He said as he slowly opened the door. *Gasp* love..." The look of shock and worry hurt you, you really don't want to worry him, but there you were ,on the floor, unable to move. "Heyy Diluc..." You said trying to appear all cool and whatnot but he knew how fake that was. "Why are you on the floor?" He asked sternly approaching you and putting his hand on your head, petting your head with such a gentle touch. He was so stern and well put but so sweet and caring, he sure was an interesting character.

"*Sigh* I just wanted to get some fresh air, can a girl not enjoy a nice day even if she's sick?" He slowly picked you up, gently carrying you back to bed. "You should have called for me" he said putting you back in bed softly, kissing your forehead. "I know I know but I'm just sick of it y'know? It's like I'm made of glass, always having to be extra careful and pampered all the time. I don't mind it because I get to spend time with you but it's making me feel so...weak.." you said looking down, admitting your feelings was really hard for you being a people pleaser all your life pretty much destroyed your whole character. Diluc looked at you a bit sad but understanding. He sat next to you on the bed holding your face as he looked into your eyes.

"I know how you feel dove but we both know it's far from truth, you are one of the strongest people I have met both physically and mentally." He said softly smiling, it was a rare sight but you knew it was genuine. Tears slowly appeared in your eyes threatening to spill. "I may not be the best at comforting but you know that I would never lie to you. Now please don't push yourself too hard and rest you really need it." There was so much love in his eyes it was making your heart flutter, if you keep looking at them any longer your heart might explode.

"Thank you, darling." You said pulling him close for a hug which he gladly accepted. You both stayed there in each other's embrace for who knows how long, but neither of you cared. He was so warm, which made sense considering his pyro vision, you really liked that since you felt pretty chilly from the fever you had.

"Can you stay with me for a bit?..." You asked shyly not wanting to bother him too much. He didn't even answer, just laid down on the bed properly and held you to his chest. Once you both got comfortable you slowly started to drift off to sleep. As you closed your eyes waiting for sleep to consume you, you heard a soft "I love you."

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