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Between my being a disconnected user, my lack of computer skills and so on. I'm going to have a lot of work to do and I'm doubtful about a lot of things, but I'd like to see the first opinions first because I think it's important to do it as soon as possible. I'll try to do my best, so please bear with me.

Here's Deepl's version


Jin-Woo's gasp choked in his throat as his memories returned.

He watched with mild interest as his levels slowly climbed back to what they had been before he tried to use the Cup of Reincarnation. He hummed a little to himself and looked around at the throne room where he'd acquired his powers what seemed like an eternity ago. "Arise." He said lazily, and around him, all the soldiers' souls materialized and reconstituted themselves, even Igris who could no longer challenge him as he could back when Jin-Woo was a new Shadow Lord.

This aside, he began to mentally trace his steps. He'd only just grabbed the Cup of Reincarnation, hadn't even moved to use it, when he suddenly found himself back in the throne room that had announced his arrival. Jin-Woo shrugged a little at the uncertainty.

Now he was even stronger than before. It was painful to have to gather all his shadows again, but it wouldn't be difficult.

He would simply do better this time.

He left the dungeon with every shadow present and immediately started sending extras to Jeju Island in preparation for this event, while he texted Jin-Ho to help him find another dungeon in the area. He received a series of question marks followed by an affirmative reply, and it took him a moment to realize that he hadn't yet registered Jin-Ho on that phone. He shrugged and corrected the error, before returning to Jin-Ah.


He savored this life like a warm bath. It was easy to heal his mother this time. Easy to build his army to an acceptable size. Easy to help Jin-Ho set up the guild, enter the dungeons, grow stronger in an unprecedented way.

This time, he couldn't resist his curiosity and presented his Shadows to Jin-Ho.

The other man gasped horribly when the first soldier solidified beside them - jumped horribly and hid behind him, Jin-Woo noted with amusement - before regaining confidence when the Shadow knelt before Jin-Woo and didn't move. "So you summoned him ?" He asked, crawling behind him to watch the shadows flicker around his body.

"I did." Jin-Woo confirmed, and Jin-Ho got close enough to nudge him. The soldier tolerated the blows and didn't move as Jin-Ho circled it.

"This is super cool!" Jin-Ho finally exclaimed, stopping beside Jin-Woo again. ''And you have dozens of them ?"

"Hundreds." He corrected lazily, and Jin-Ho made a hilarious choking noise.

"Oh my god, you're so broken." But he laughed as he said it, as if proud of himself, happy for himself, and Jin-Woo took in his words and praise like a cat basking in the sun.

"Yeah." He agreed. "It's broken enough." But he could do things better now. He had to.

While he was putting everything together, it was inevitable that Jin-Ho and Jin-Ah would hang out at the Sung family home. Jin-Ho was as goofy and charming as ever, and their mother learned to love him like a second son.

"Mom's trying to pressure me into going out with you." Jin-Ah said once, as Jin-Ho leaned over a table and ran characters, his scratching pen and playing phone the only sounds in the room. Jin-Woo made in the dungeon he was in and fully began to listen through the shadows he had planted over them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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