Chapter 1: The Rossi Estate

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I take a deep breath as I walk toward the immense Italian villa. I adjust the off-white fur shawl over my shoulders, and gently adjust my hair, curled and pinned in an elaborate, yet sleek manner.
    Walking next to me, wearing a white tuxedo, Rafe grabs my wrist. "You look fine," he says, somewhat sternly, "stop fussing,"
    "I'm not fussing," I say, "I'm making sure I'm presentable, like Mother always said..."
    He chuckles dryly, the vice-like grip on my wrist tightening. "Let's happy little family tonight, alright, Phil?" He mutters to me, " misstep, one slip up, one thing you do that I don't like, you can say goodbye to your dear Professor,"
    I grit my teeth, and take a deep breath. I nod, smiling softly at the valet who takes my shawl, revealing my floor-length, green and gold dress, the beading in an art-deco kind of design.
A few people standing nearby actually turn to look at me. Some look impressed while others show no emotions whatsoever.
I adjust the black gloves I'm wearing with the dress, but I don't have much time before Rafe grabs my wrist again.
    "You know why we're here?" He asks, towing me after him into the main ballroom, nodding toward the display cases in the front of the auction house. He tucks my hand into his elbow, as if I'm willingly holding his arm.
I roll my eyes a little. "So there is a real reason?" I say, holding his arm with both of my hands so he doesn't outpace me, "Why, Rafe, I thought black market auctions were your idea of a good time. Wanted some...sibling bonding time, after, what...fifteen years?"
    He scoffs, lets go of my arm, now standing behind me, turns my head to look at the display cases. "Just...look, and tell me what you see," he says, "and what I'd be interested in. You're smart, you know what would catch my eye,"
    I sigh, and look forward, scanning over the cases, when one does catch my eye.
    A wooden cross.
    My eyebrows raise a little, but I don't say anything.
    Rafe chuckles. "You do see it, huh?" He says, "that's what we're here for," he then pauses, and seems like he sees someone. "Come on," he says, again grabbing my wrist.
    I follow him as he walks me through the crowd to a woman.
    She looks at Rafe, then glances at me, a look of uncertainty flickering across her face. She has black pants and heels, a red, sleeveless blouse that shows off her well toned arms, which she crosses. "Rafe..." she starts.
    "Nadine Ross," Rafe says, "I would like to introduce you to my sister, Ophelia Adler. Professor at Oxford University,"
    "Well...Professor's assistant," I say, setting a faint, polite smile on my face, trying my best to make it seem sincere, extending my hand to the woman, "pleased to meet you, I'm sure,"
    She just barely smiles, but shakes my hand. She then turns to face my brother. "Rafe," she says, "we need to discuss some...things," she glances at me.
    He nods a little. He nudges me a little. "Go on and...mingle, sis," he says, "we'll catch up with you in a moment,"
    I sigh, and nod. "Whatever you say..." I mutter, sarcastically, hugging my arms to my chest a little.
Some people glance at me, making me feel more self conscious.
"Not my usual crowd..." I mutter to myself, carefully picking through the crowd, politely smiling at whomever I happen to make eye contact with.
Some women whisper to whomever they're standing with as I pass. Others look me up and down with mild distaste or the scrutiny of a hawk eyeing their prey.
I chew the inside of my lip a little as I stand by a pillar for a good while. I take some horderves as a waiter passes, but still finding myself too nervous to actually eat them.
    A few people pass by, glancing at me.
    An older gentleman in a turban and dark glasses passes, and smiles at me.
    I nervously smile back.
    "Champaign, Miss?" A waiter asks as he passes me.
    "No, thank you..." I mutter, glancing at the waiter. I pause, and take a double take, properly looking at him now, and my heart skips, now feeling like it's trying to escape from my ribcage.
Sam Drake, dressed as a waiter with black slacks and red vest, smiles and winks at me. "Heya, Phili..." he mutters, though worry is clear in his eyes, "what's a nice lady like you doin' in a place like this?"
I have to stop myself from reacting too much to him. "Just...on holiday," I say. I glance around the room and see my brother is standing with Nadine and Victor Sullivan. My heart lifts a little.
Sam chuckles a little. "Really?" He asks, also glancing around, "didn't take a folklorist like yourself for...this kind of crowd,"
I shrug a little. I look at him, and very carefully raise one of my hands to just at my hip. I fold my thumb across my palm, then wrap my fingers around it, letting go after a moment or so.
It takes a few moments, but, slowly, his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen a little, showing he caught my message.
Help me.
He clears his throat softly. He steps toward me. "The room is gonna go dark fairly soon..." he mutters to me, "when it does, find your way to Sully, and leave with him, okay?"
I grit my teeth. "He's not going to let me..." I mutter, glancing at Rafe.
"You've gotta try, Ophelia..." he mutters, passing his tray to his other hand and gently grabbing my arm, "please...we'll try to help, whatever it is,"
I nod. I look at him, tears starting to rise in my eyes. I place a hopeful smile on my face, but I can't help the feeling of dread creeping up through my throat.
He nod as well. He softly clears his throat again, letting go of my arm. "You look nice..." he says, "...I like the whole...Gatsby thing you've got going,"
I smile a little. "Thanks..." I mutter.
He nods, glances over his shoulder, and walks away. He gives me one last glance, and a sly wink, and continues on his path.
I take a deep breath, and casually as I can, mosey over to the bar. "Grenadine and Soda, please," I say to the bartender.
He nods and steps away.
I glance over my shoulder as I hear Rafe raise his voice, and something clatter to the ground.
People around him gasp and murmur.
I roll my eyes a little, and accept the drink as the bartender sets it down. I leave a tip, and quickly make my way toward them.
"...about bidding on Avery's cross, I can tell you exactly how you're going to be leaving, in a goddamn body-," Rafe is saying, voice filled with a calm kind of rage that turns my blood cold. He has his finger poked into Sully's chest.
"Rafe!" Nadine says, sternly, cutting off his sentence. She's looking at me, then looks at him.
Rafe looks at her, then at me. He glances around, at the attention he's gotten.
I raise an eyebrow, taking a sip from my drink.
He chuckles nervously, and pats Sully's shoulder. "Well..." he says, brushing Sully's shoulder off, "you get my point..."
"Lovely seeing you both," Sully says, stiffly, backing away from Rafe. As he turns he sees me, and a smile flickers across his face. "Ophelia Adler," he says, sounding surprised, "how the hell are you, kid?"
I smile, actually feeling somewhat relieved, and he gives me a quick, gentle hug. "I just saw Sam..." I whisper to him in the hug.
"I know," he replies, quietly, "I know the plan. Stick near me, okay?"
I nod a little.
Rafe makes eye contact with me, narrowing his eyes a little.
I grit my teeth. "Maybe...a rendezvous will work better?" I ask, "Ice sculpture? Bar? Front stairs?"
He pauses, and nods a little. "Front stairs, one minute after the lights go, okay?" He says.
I nod, and step back from him. "I'm sorry about my brother," I say, my voice returning to a normal volume, "he's never quite gotten a handle on his temper...takes after father like that," I'm making sure Rafe can hear me, and I do look at him as I'm speaking.
Sully chuckles. "Well...I'll let you catch up to him," he says. He gives me a faint wink, and continues on his way.
I nod, watching him over my shoulder, and then I turn forward again. I walk toward Rafe and Nadine.
Rafe looks at the glass in my hand. "Is that a fucking Shirley Temple?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
I raise one of mine, and slowly, noisily, sip the drink, not breaking eye contact with him, finishing with a soft "Ah...".
Nadine scoffs a little, but when I look at her I see she's smiling.
Rafe rolls his eyes, and grabs my arm, harshly like before. "The bidding is about to start," he says, "just...stand there, and don't do anything stupid," He leads me to the main area where people are gathering.
"Like what, bid against you?" I ask, "Rafe, we're privy to the same old family money, remember?"
He glares at me, sending a chill down my spine. Now I know that he's fed up with me.
I grit my teeth a little.
The bidding starts, and as the price raises, so does the nervous feeling in my chest.
Rafe, confident as ever, keeps raising the bid higher and higher.
As the bidding raises to €50,000, and the power stays on, I bite the inside of my lip. 'Come on Sam...' I think, '...come on...'
"We have ninety thousand, do I hear any more bids?" The auctioneer says.
I glance around the room, and catch sight of Sully standing in the back.
He glances at me, a kind of conflicted look in his eyes. He turns and seems to say something over his left shoulder.
I furrow my eyebrows.
"Since we have no other bids..." the announcer says, "going once...going twice..."
Sully raises his hand, holding up his bidding paddle.
My heart sinks. 'What is he doing...?' I wonder, 'Buying time? For who? For what?' I look at Rafe.
The Auctioneer looks at him. "Bene!" She says, "we have one hundred thousand euros in the room, thank you. Do we have any other bids?"
Rafe turns and looks at Sully.
I grit my teeth. 'If I faked a faint, would that distract people enough to stop the bidding?' I wonder, knowing that Sully won't actually be able to pay that bid, and Rafe is becoming impatient.
Rafe slowly raises his paddle.
"We now have one hundred ten thousand euros in the room," the auctioneer says.
I take one of my gloves off and start wringing it between my hands. 'Come on, Sully...' I think, 'whatever you're going to do, do it now...'
The bidding battle climbs to one hundred ninety thousand euros.
My stomach flutters nervously as Sully raises his paddle.
"The gentleman's bid: two hundred thousand euros," the auctioneer says.
Rafe, the feeling of his frustration permeating the area around him, swiftly raises his paddle. "Five hundred thousand!" he says, "let's get this show on the road,"
People around us murmur in shock.
I almost feel like I might actually faint at those numbers. 'That's almost five times as much as my yearly salary...' I think, my mouth going dry.
"Uh...thank you," the auctioneer says, taken aback, "we have five hundred thousand euros in the room. Does the gentleman wish to bid again?"
We all look at Sully.
He looks at me, and I can just barely see him wink before he looks at Rafe. He smiles and bows, conceding, to Rafe.
My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my ribcage with how nervous I am.
"Had me worried for a minute there, Victor," Rafe calls out to him, "Thought I might have to kill you,"
People around us laugh, good-heartedly.
I force a smile, but I'm still looking at Sully.
He's also laughing, and raises his hand to his mouth.
I can almost see his mouth move, as if he's saying something.
"Anyone else?" The auctioneer says, "We are going once...going twice. Then I shall sell it for five hundred thousand-"
Suddenly, the lights go out, plunging us into pitch darkness.
I take no time, and start walking in the direction Sully was from me, people around me murmuring in fear or confusion.
It doesn't take long for a rough, yet gentle hand to grab my arm.
"Phil?" Sully says, quietly.
"Yeah," I say.
"Ok, we're just going to walk calmly, but quickly," he says, wrapping my arm around his, and walking us through the darkness.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm," I can hear the auctioneer's voice from behind me, no longer magnified by the microphone, "The backup power will come on shortly,"
Soon after, bright flood lights illuminate the room in a cold LED light, but Sully and I have already made it to a door.
I glance over my shoulder at the stage
The place where the cross should have been is now empty, and Rafe turns to look in our direction.
Our eyes meet, and a kind of rage fills his eyes.
I look forward, continuing to follow Sully. I take a deep breath of the cool, night air, heaving a sigh of relief.
Behind us, sounds of security guards hurrying through the complex ring out. But everyone seems to be ignoring us, or just not noticing us.
Sully, still holding my arm with his, gently puts something in my hand.
I look at it, and see a high-tech looking earpiece, like something out of James Bond. I smile. "That's how you knew..." I mutter. I stick it in my ear.
"Sam, tell me you got the cross," a man's voice says from the earpiece.
"I got Saint Dismas right here," Sam's voice says, making me smile softly, "you wanna say hi?"
"Yeah, we've really kicked the hornet's nest down here," Sully says, leading me around some security people, finding a good way out of the area, avoiding security and other people trying to leave, "Ballroom's locked down, security's scrambling,"
"Hey, Victor, where's our getaway?" Sam asks, "And, you got Phili?"
"Yep, she's right here," Sully says, looking at me, giving a faint smile, "Say hi, kid,"
"Thank you, Sam," I say, relieved, "I...I just...thank you,"
"And, come to the driveway out front...just follow the spotlights," Sully says, "I'll bring the car around,"
I take a deep breath, and run a hand through my hair, slightly crusty from hair gel. "Eugh..." I mutter, "I would much rather feel dust or dirt in my hair than product..."
Sully chuckles. "You clean up nice, though," he says, "barely recognized you without your usual dig-sight get up,"
I chuckle a little, and jolt a little as the first man's voice rings out again.
"Don't shoot at me, I'm lost!" He says, with the sounds of gunshots in the background, "aw, hell!"
"Nathan, what is going on?" Sam's voice asks.
"I'm being shot at," Nathan says.
"Told you, we should've brought guns," Sam says.
"I know!" Nathan says.
I chuckle. "Brothers, I'm guessing?" I say.
Sully nods a little. "You obviously know Sam," he says, "what with the nickname?"
I pause, my cheeks heating up a little. I shrug. "Everyone calls me Phil..." I mutter.
"Yeah, but he said 'Phili'," he says, "got some...history?"
I purse my lips a little. I stay silent.
Sully chuckles. "Alright, don't tell me," he says, "but, I will find out. I always find out,"
I chuckle a little.
"How're we doing, Nathan?" Sam's voice asks.
"I'm on my way," Nathan says, "heading to higher ground to get my bearings,"
"Alright, see you soon," Sam says.
"Why are you here, anyway, Phil?" Sully asks, "And, with Rafe, no less. I thought you had some kind of...sibling rivalry going on or something,"
I shrug a little. "He...he approached me one day at Oxford," I say, "said...'Hey, sis! Let's go on a holiday! I know this great place in Italy,' we are,"
He raises an eyebrow. "I know there's more to it than that," he says, "what's going on, Ophelia? You can tell me,"
I take a deep breath and sigh, looking ahead of us, at the parking area.
People have already reached their cars and are speeding away.
Sully leads me to a white sports car and opens my door for me.
I nod at him and get into the car.
"Alright, we're in the car," Sully says as he stands near the car, watching more and more people scurry to their cars, "where the hell are you guys?"
I take my heels off, sighing, rubbing my feet. "I hate these shoes..." I mutter, tossing the shoes in the back of the car.
"Ah, just met your friend Nadine Ross," Nathan says, "She's lovely,"
I raise my eyebrows. "Nadine?" I ask, "So they're still there..."
Sully looks at me. "Yeah?" Sully says, watching as the trickle of panicked people become more of a flood, cars wanting to leave gumming up the exit, "well, it's total chaos out here. They're trying to keep it contained, but everybody's freaking out. I don't wanna rush you, but...hurry the hell up!"
I grip at my dress a little as I watch the people around us.
"Nathan, where you at?" Sam asks over the radio.
"Good question," Nathan says, "You?"
"By the ballroom," Sam says, "look for this round sign thing. It's on the way,"
"Round sign thing, check," Nathan says.
"Good news, I got a gun," Sam says, "see you soon,"
I grit my teeth, waiting, when Sam's voice comes over the radio again.
"Victor, I'm kinda stuck here," he says, "any ideas,"
"Fastest way is through the ballroom!" Sully says.
"You said the ballroom's locked down," Sam says.
"Yeah," Sully says, "well now that they know it's you guys, they cleared the place out," "Ballroom it is," Sam says, "You get that Nathan?"
"Yeah, got it," Nathan says.
"'s Oxford going for you?" Sully says, "still a student?"
I shake my head. "I'm a professor's assistant," I say, "I work under Professor Greene, teaching Archaeology,"
"An archaeologist and folklorist," Sully says, thoughtfully, "huh..."
I smile a little, focusing when Sam's voice comes over the radio again.
"Nathan, I'm pinned down in here!" He says, over a backtrack of gunshots, "I could use a hand!"
"On my way, Sam!" Nathan replies.
I take a shaking breath. "Please make it out okay..." I mutter, squeezing my eyes shut.
"As soon as they're both in the ballroom, I'll start the car," Sully says to me, "Everything will be okay...I hope..."
I nod a little, taking a deep breath.
Sully quickly rounds the car. He gets in and starts it up. "Alright boys, change of plan!" He says, "Too many people trying to leave, the driveways' all jammed up,"
"Shit," Sam says, "what's our backup,"
"There's that fountain just outside the ballroom," Sully says, "I'll meet you there!"
"Got it," Nathan says, "Let's go!"
"Be careful, Sam!" I chime in.
Sam chuckles a little. "I will, Phili," he says, "or...try my best to,"
Sully pulls the car forward, and with a good amount of skill, maneuvers around the cars in the driveway.
I hastily buckle my seatbelt as he picks up speed.
"Sully, we're running out of time here," Nathan says.
"Hold on, kid," Sully says, "Nearly there!"
I grit my teeth, seeing some kind of lights or movement from a courtyard outside of the ballroom.
"Almost there," Sully says.
"Unless you're driving a hearse, you better hurry," Nathan says.
Sully drives us around the side of the venue, and picks up speed as he rounds the back. "Hold on, kid," he says.
I squeeze my eyes shut as he pulls a hairpin turn, crashing into and through a hedge, skidding to stop in a courtyard area.
"Someone call for a limo?" He says.
I open my eyes, seeing two men barreling toward the car. I yelp and duck, throwing my arms over my head, as people start shooting at us.
They open the back door, and hurriedly get into the car.
"Go, go, go!" Nathan calls out.
"Hang on!" Sully says, flooring the gas and speeding through the lawn, up a hill, and through a gate, all the while we're still being shot at.
I shakily look up as we continue driving up the cobblestone drive, and away from the villa.
"You hanging in there, beautiful?" Sam asks me, breathlessly. He reaches up and gently places a hand on my shoulder.
I look at him, nodding a little, gently placing my hand on his.
Nathan looks at me, then at Sam, then back at me. "Who's this?" He asks, looking at Sam for a final time.
"Ophelia Adler," Sully says, "Assistant Archaeology Professor at Oxford University, Folklorist of Mediterranean and East Asian countries, and...elder sister to Rafe Adler,"
Nathan looks surprised. "Why is she here?" He asks.
"She signaled for help," Sam says, imitating the hand gesture I did to him, "I ran into her in the ballroom before the lights went out,"
"She seems pretty shook up by something," Sully says, "won't tell me what the problem is, but...maybe it's because we were still in danger of being shot at,"
"Or it was your driving..." I mutter, "...Jesus, Sully..."
He laughs a little. "Sorry, I just knew what we needed was speed," he says.
Sam chuckles a little, and looks at me.
I smile softly.
At the hotel they're staying at, we're seated around a table, the Saint Dismas cross laying in the center.
I stare at it, in awe of the craftsmanship of such a small thing.
Sam sets an empty glass down, grabs the cross, and a hammer. "Okay..." he mutters, raising the hammer. He pauses. He looks at us. "I hope I don't go to hell for this," he says.
I chuckle a little, then jump as he breaks the top of the cross off with the hammer. I watch as he looks into it, smiling, then his face drops.
"Shit..." he says.
"What?" Nathan asks.
"It's empty," Sam says.
I furrow my eyebrows, then slowly raise one. I look at Sully.
"What?" Nathan says, but then, Sam pours something out of the hollow center of the cross. "Ah, you're such an asshole," he says.
I chuckle a little, watching a scroll fall onto the table.
"He's your brother," Sully says, also chuckling.
Sam picks up the scroll.
"Alright," Sully says, "skull and crossbones. Very good sign,"
"Wait..." I say, looking at the men around me, "...this isn't about Avery, is it?"
They all look at me.
Sam looks at Sully. "You...didn't catch her up to speed?" He asks.
I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm well aware of your and my brothers...exploits about a decade and a half ago," I say, crossing my arms, "But, no, by all means. Open the ancient pirate scroll. What's the worst that could happen, huh? Spending the rest of your life chasing clue after clue..." I roll my eyes.
He looks a little offended, but shifts in his seat a little, then opens the scroll. He rolls the scroll out on the table. "What is this..." he mutters, "Ah...'Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso,'"
"'Today you will join me in Paradise'," Nathan says, nodding.
"It's what Jesus said to Saint Dismas on the Cross," Sam says, "but...what about these numbers here? What do you make of this?"
I sigh, and stand up.
"Where are you going, Phil?" Sully asks me.
"To get a shower, call my landlord in England, and go to bed," I say, walking away, picking up my heels from the floor and carrying them by the straps, "leave the boys to their...scavenger hunt,"
That night, I'm laying in my bed in the room connected to the one Sam, Nate and Sully are in.
My eyes are closed, but I'm awake.
I'm just taking deep breaths, trying to clear my mind. I'm trying not to focus on the thought of what could be happening to Professor Greene right now.
The door to my room from the boys' opens, then closes gently.
I open my eyes.
Someone sits in the bed next to me, and gently lays a hand on my shoulder.
"Phili..." Sam says, softly to me.
"Have you told him yet?" I ask.
He pauses. "Told...who what?" He asks.
I sit up and turn. "Don't play dumb with me, Sam," I say, looking at his slightly illuminated face from the glass door to the balcony.
He looks pained, and sighs. "No..." he mutters, "...well...not the whole truth. I told him I owe Alcazar money...nothing about Rafe..."
I sigh, turning fully, resting my chin and a hand on his thigh. "Sam...he's your brother..." I mutter, "...lying to him should be the last thing you do,"
He scoffs a little. "Like you've never lied to Rafe before," he says.
"I haven't, actually," I say, "he needs to talk to me more than once every fifteen years for that to happen..."
He chuckles a little. Then pauses. "What's he got on you, anyway?" He asks, "what's got you so scared of him that you ask for help like that?"
I pause, and grit my teeth. I sit up fully. I turn away from him, hugging my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. "He...he didn't really ask me to go on holiday..." I say, "...he...he kidnapped me, more or less. Me and my professor, using him as leverage against me. Threatened to hurt or kill him if I stepped out of line..." I take a deep, shuddering breath.
Sam sighs. "And, you've done just that..." he mutters, gently grabbing my elbow, "Phili..."
I turn my head a little to look at him, tears welling up and finally falling down my cheeks.
He gently grabs my chin and tilts my head up. "Well...good news is that we know where we're going next," he says, softly, "We're headed to Scotland, to the Saint Dismas Cathedral,"
I furrow my eyebrows, confused. "But...Rafe has already been searching there," I say.
"The Cathedral, yeah," Sam says, "but not the graveyard, which is a good bit away from the cathedral itself,"
I raise my eyebrows a little.
"So..." he says, gently grabbing my hand, "I think I can talk Sullivan into maybe swinging by Oxford so you can grab some stuff,"
I smile a little, and nod. "That'd be nice," I say, "Rafe didn't really let me pack for this little...impromptu outing,"
He chuckles and nods. His grip on my hand tightens a little. "I...I've missed you, Phili," he says softly, "...I...I'm sorry about how we parted, last time...didn't really get to say proper goodbyes..."
I sigh a little. I reach up and gently grab his chin. "I forgive you," I say, softly, "and, I'm glad you're okay. I thought you were dead for the longest time..."
He sighs, and leans his head into my hand a little. He closes his eyes, and grabs my hand, turning his face toward my palm. "How someone as sweet as you could be related to that psycho..." he mutters, shaking his head.
I chuckle a little. "Believe me," I say, "I ask the same kind of question on a daily basis,"
He chuckles. "Man, I really don't want to go back to my room..." he mutters, chuckling a little.
"No one said you have to..." I say, softly, smiling.
He chuckles a little. "Well, if you say so..." he says, leaning back, laying down on the bed.
I smile, laying next to him, resting my head on his shoulder, my hand on his chest, as he wraps his arms around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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