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Hello everyone!

Like I said before, this is the main warnings/info/request page... page!


Keep in mind this one-shot fanfic will be in my AU for Dandy's World! Characters will have fanon personalities because 1. I'm HORRIBLE at writing a character's correct personality unless they're my own original character, and even then I struggle sometimes! And 2. I'm going off their wikis for personalities and might not be able to access their wikis sometimes!

Explaining AU fully:

In this AU, a lot of the stuff is the same as in the game, except the Twisteds are slightly different. There are multiple of each Twisted character, which is why Twisteds show up more than once for most floors (though they can also travel across floors, most just choose not too). The Toons can die, but will respawn a few hours later with slightly fuzzy memories of how they died. In this AU, you either have to get completely covered in ichor, get it in your body somehow (even though their blood is also ichor. It's just two different types ig), or be killed by a Twisted to become a Twisted. All characters are similar ages to each other, with Rodger and Teagan being the eldest, and Goob and Scraps being the youngest adults. Toodles is a child! This AU also includes my OCs!

Who is Jaybird? (1st OC)

Jaybird (They/Him) is a unique Main Toon in the sense that they can shapeshift! (Totally didn't make them a shapeshifter just because I couldn't decide on their design originally). When the show was running, they taught kids it was okay to be different and to love themselves no matter how they looked. This made them originally very nice and welcoming to everyone else, but after the show ended they became slightly closed off and more judgemental of people, since mistakes could result in death. They're polite to most other Toons, but only consider a few others to actually be friends; though with Glisten its notable they have a fairly complicated relationship. Typically they look like an anthropomorphic paleo-accurate velociraptor with a starry design. It will either cost them some energy, or energy and a heart to shapeshift depending on the severity of it. They usually wear a white button-up long-sleeved (with the sleeves usually rolled up) shirt, with a black vest (or corset) over top it, as well as black long pants. Occasionally they wear white fingerless gloves (usually borrowed from Glisten).

Twisted Jaybird is rare to see since Jaybird is one of the few Toons who don't get killed too often. T. Jaybird has three versions:

Friendly version, in which they look more like their normal self, albeit much taller now (as tall as T. Sprout) with a thinner and lankier body. Their face is covered in ichor, hiding their eyes, and they have ichor covering their shoulders, tail and hands. Their claws are longer and sharper now too. They will follow around the Toon who has the lowest stealth and protect them from the other Twisteds. This is helpful for Toons like Shrimpo or Brightney, but can be an issue if the Toon is a distractor like Goob. This version of T. Jaybird gives buffs to the other Twisteds on the floor, such as a speed buff or attention span buff. When the elevator opens, they aren't aggressive, per se, but they become an actual problem as they will grab the Toon they are following and hold them, preventing them from getting to the elevator. To get free, you need to either be able to teleport (Glisten), grab onto something to pull yourself free (Scraps), or have Goob pull you free.

Neutral version, in which they look more like a paleo-accurate velociraptor but have the body shape of an Indoraptor, besides the head and tail being different. Their face is still covered in ichor, and so is their tail and hands, but now their entire torso is covered in ichor as well. Their claws are still, also, longer and sharper. They're as tall as T. Dandy. They act a lot like T. Glisten does, and their warning sign they're on the floor is a growl right when the elevator opens. A Toon is required to stay by them until there's one machine left, in which they then become hostile unlike T. Glisten who only becomes hostile when the elevator opens. Luckily enough, they run as slow as the normal Twisteds do, instead of as fast as T. Glisten does. They make up for their slowness with debuffs- inflicting Slow III like T. Finn albeit this debuff goes away much faster.

Hostile version, in which they look the exact same as their neutral version. This version acts like any other Twisted, attacking Toons on sight. Unlike their neutral version, they're faster now (T. Flutter speed) but still have the same high attention span. They give buffs to the other Twisteds, but if there's another Main on the floor then they don't. Instead, they will copy the same attacks/debuffs as that other Main. This can prove to be a little bit of an issue sometimes if it's a Main like T. Sprout, because then there's be double his traps.

Luckily enough, their neutral and hostile versions are rare to see, as rare to see as T. Astro. Their friendly version is more common to see though, as rare as the other Twisted Mains.

Who is Angel? (2nd OC)


Who is Comet? (3rd OC)

Comet (They/Them) is a fifteen-year-old kid who broke into the museum one day and has sorta just been living there ever since, never going underground (because the Toons won't let them) but always just following the Toons around and watching what they're doing. They have dark skin and short, fluffy and messy black hair. Their eyes are a nice fawn brown, and they have some freckles on their face. They usually wear dark clothing and gloves, though sometimes wears light clothing since they have to borrow clothes from the Toons.

Who is Smiley? (4th OC)


What I will/won't write:


-Write Toon x Toon, Toon x Reader, Twisted x Toon, Twisted x Reader, and maybe Twisted x Twisted. Can do platonic (in which it won't be labelled as the ship name)!

-Write poly ships (only polys of three though).

-Write fluff.

-Try to write angst (I'm not good at angst but I will try to write it so I can improve my writing skills!)

-Write yandere situations, just requires a good enough description.

-Write SLIGHTLY spicy situations (no smut/lemon).

-Write continuations of some one-shots if requested (will do two extra chapters AT THE HIGHEST).

-Add in other peoples' OC! Just need a very good description of them.


-Write ANY minor (Toodles + Comet) x someone or Pebble x someone, only platonic!

-Write any "dark romance" situations (no abuse, etc) (stalking is an exception because of yanderes).

-Write any smut/lemon (mainly because they're cartoon characters, it's weird. Only slightly because I can't write smut/lemon).

Rules may change/be updated as the fic goes on.

Main warnings:

-Fanon personalities.

-Maybe bad writing/pacing (I'm still getting better at it).

-VERY long one-shots if I have the motivation to write a lot!

-Abrupt endings (maybe).

-Bad grammar at parts (even Word won't catch it all).

-Clingy T. Glisten (for any one-shots that include him).

-Lots of the one-shots will probably be connected to each other in some way (yes this counts as a loop-hole to the continuation rule, please do not abuse it).

Now that everything has been said and done, feel free to start giving requests! And don't be shy asking about stuff if you need to! Please point out any grammar mistakes you might spot as well, it'd be a huge help!

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