Clingy... (MirrorBird)

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I made that meme lol, cause I couldn't draw Twisted Jaybird no matter how hard I tried. Expect to see that meme template a lot btw, cause I really love it.

"Two Time"

Jack Stauber's Micropop

WARNINGS: [Slight angst.]

To say this run had been bad would be... slightly an understatement.

Right off the bat they had been getting some of the more difficult Twisteds that weren't mains, such as T. Goob and T. Scraps, even T. Toodles. But, their three distractors (Goob and Pebble mainly, with Jaybird occasionally pitching in to help) had been great so far at keeping everyone else safe, even if Pebble did end up at one heart because of accidentally running into a Twisted Poppy during an early blackout, and even if Goob ended up at two hearts because of not noticing his Twisted version in time.

The team had started out with the usual people: Poppy, Glisten, Goob, Pebble, Jaybird, Rodger, and Shelly. By floor 10, they had lost already Poppy to a surprisingly early Twisted Vee, who appeared on floor 5 right away. On floor 7 they had gotten Twisted Shelly and Twisted Glisten, in which Goob lost another heart to Twisted Shelly while Glisten got to relax and just keep his Twisted self company for a bit.

At floor 10, Jaybird volunteered to distract this time since Pebble and Goob were both at one heart, while they were still at two hearts (they had lost one at floor 8 because of another blackout and running right into Twisted Shrimpo). Already they were regretting their choice though, after everyone heard Twisted Pebble growling. And the floor was the Warehouse, which was mostly unlucky for them.

Everyone rushed out to start extracting from the machines just to get off this floor faster, while Jaybird ran off to start distracting every Twisted on this floor. And well, everything was going according to plan so far.

Four out of five machines got done, Pebble trying his best with his little rock paws to finish the last machine. But then a dreadful sound was heard...


"Oh no! Who died?" Goob called out, even if it was risky as the person who could've died was Jaybird.

He got several responses, but none were from Jaybird... crap.

He ran off to start distracting the Twisteds so Pebble could get the last machine done, resulting in him seeing the ichor splatter on the floor as clear proof that Jaybird had died. He felt very upset of course, he always did when anyone died, even though he knew they'd respawn a few hours later.

And it only took a few more seconds, after Shelly found him at least and used her ability, for Pebble to finish extracting from the machine, in which then everyone ran back to the elevator and quickly got in.

Pebble tried his best to comfort Goob as the elevator descended to the next floor, and the little rock dog took a turn distracting this time as everyone else went to extract from the five machines on this floor.

And then, floor 12 came up. Nobody heard the raptor growl that happened, since Twisted Pebble had been louder with his growl. Glisten had a slightly worse than usual bad feeling about this floor though, as he went to go extract from one of the farther machines. He could just teleport back to his teammates if the machine he was extracting from happened to be one of the last ones.

The bad feeling only got worse as Glisten continued to extract from the machine and finished it before going to the next one, and well eventually he heard a soft footstep close by. Soft enough it definitely wasn't one of the usual Twisteds, but still loud enough to have definitely not been one of his teammates.

He glanced over and felt his blood run cold when he noticed Twisted Jaybird, who was looking very agitated. Absolutely nobody had noticed they were on this floor, and now they were probably going to become hostile any second...

Though instead of becoming hostile, T. Jaybird just looked over at him and gave a slight grumble before sitting down next to him, silently watching him extract from the machine he was currently doing. He gave a silent sigh of relief when the large raptor-like Twisted didn't immediately try to murder him.

"So uh... nobody noticed you were around?" He questioned after a few seconds of silently finishing up the machine, looking over to the twisted version of his... friend? Acquaintance? He honestly couldn't place his finger on what their relationship was.

Jaybird just gave a slight grumble again, though he could clearly tell their answer was a "yes." He'd been around Twisted Jaybird enough at this point to be able to almost always accurately tell what their grumbles and raptor sounds meant.

Glisten gave a slight sigh before speaking again. "Everyone probably only heard Twisted Pebble and not you then."

The raptor gave another grumble before suddenly getting up and curling around him slightly, gently pushing him down so he was sitting on the floor as well. Their tail was flopped to the side, but close enough that they could definitely use it to smack him back down if he tried to leave.

"You missed me a lot then, didn't you?" He asked in a slightly smug tone, some of his usual ego coming back as he got more confident he wouldn't get suddenly attacked. The only response he got that time was Jaybird resting their head on his shoulder, making their breathing very audible in his ear now. And also getting a slight bit of ichor on his clothing, since it was still dripping off their head.

He rolled his eyes playfully as he started to pet them, getting ichor on his hand but not caring too much since it wouldn't be that dangerous to him.

They both sat like that for a while, until the dreaded message happened over the intercom. "One machine left."

Glisten glanced over to T. Jaybird nervously, noticing how they tensed up and growled slightly. But instead of immediately trying to attack him, their tail just came a little closer, like they were warning him not to leave.

"Jaybird..." He started slowly, knowing one wrong word could probably result in him getting hurt. "You know I'll have to leave when the elevator opens."

They gave a raptor-like growl as they moved their head off his shoulder, likely them trying to control their urge to attack him for having to leave soon. He sighed, mentally preparing to use his teleport ability as quick as possible when the elevator opened, since he knew for a fact his somehow spared time would run out then.

But before he could speak, T. Jaybird did, their voice slightly strained as they tried their best to sound normal. "Don't leave me..."

"...We can stay together for a bit longer, you know. I don't have to leave just yet," he replied, gently petting their head again. Jaybird grumbled slightly again but did lean into his touch. He was both silently relieved and confused over the fact he wasn't getting attacked by them yet. And he did notice how they were being slightly more clingy than normal.

They both sat like this for a while, him nervously petting their head while they occasionally growled or moved away from his touch just to move their head back. He was still thinking over their words in his mind, wondering why they spoke. Actions could speak just as loud as words, so why the need to tell him not to leave?

But eventually the inevitable happened, and the warning to get to the elevator happened over the intercom. Jaybird's head snapped away from his hand before trying to bite it, but he was one step ahead as he quickly teleported to the closest person to the elevator, which happened to be Rodger.

"Miss me? Of course you did!" He stated, saying one of his usual lines after teleporting as he entered the elevator with Rodger.

The other Toon simply rolled his singular eye before noticing the slight ichor stains on Glisten's clothing, though before he could ask about it his question got answered by a familiar roar of anger.

"Twisted Jaybird?" He asked as the other Toons arrived at the elevator, and Glisten gave a slight sigh before nodding, crossing his arms as well.

Though as the elevator descended to floor 13, he couldn't stop thinking about Jaybird's words, and about the fact they had acted differently to usual. Maybe he could ask normal Jaybird when he got back to the surface...

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