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Jihoon finally reached the school. He doesn't really have any friends.

So he just queitly went inside and went to his locker. However people can't keep their mouths shut, can they?

Even though jihoon doesn't like people, there is a person he hates very much and that person is now standing in front of him.

Well, you can guess, he is the typical person isn't he? He is a playboy, captain of the baseball team, straight A student and of course he is the teacher's pet, he is also very handsome and jihoon absolutely hates him.

"well hello there! You fag. I didn't think you would come to school. Who did you suck off yesterday you fucking slut" said jaebeom ( i am sorry to all the aghases😔)

"It's none of your business jb, why want me to suck you off too, did you becone gay, or are the girls at the school not doing a good job. Ehh, from what i heard you're not even that big you can't even satisfy the girls, now you're moving to boys if you are then find someone else you know my standards are pretty high" said jihoon with a smug smile and went away.

Everyone was looking at the scene with their jaw dropped no one was even moving an inch.

" What?!! Is there a fucking movie going on !! Get back to your classes you fucking idiots" screamed jaebeom.

Everyone scurried away to their classroom hurriedly. The bell rang just in time.

Jihoon was sitting in his third period which was history. Jihoon was really sleepy he doesn't really know why do they have to learn who ruled what country at what period.

For him, it was complete bullshit ( history is important people). The only periods jihoon liked was music and pt. Now both of them after lunch.

When jihoon was thinking how to escape these two periods someone knocked at the classroom door.

Jihoon came out of his thoughts and looked towards the door. It was the president of the student council.

"Sorry for the disturbance mam. Jihoon was asked by the principal to meet him at the office. Thank you mam" said the president and he went away.

Now everyone in the class was looking at jihoon. Jihoon was sitting there wide-eyed looking preplexed. He quickly composed himself and stood up. He excused himself and left the classroom.

Jihoon may look calm but inside he was really scared, his heart was beating very fast.

" What did i do now? I didn't do anything, hell i don't even talk to anyone in this school. If this is because of that asshole jaebeom, i am going to fucking kill him, that idiot" thought jihoon. He walked slowly to stall the time but to his luck he reached the office in a few minutes.

He stood outside the door and took deep breaths to calm himself. After calming himself, he opened the door but now he wished that he didn't.

There sitting in front of the principal was his parents. They all turned to look at him. "Oh my god!, this can't be good" thought jihoon while gulping.

"Ahh you're here jihoon, come inside we have something to discuss" said the principle with what jihoon thinks is a sympathetic smile.

"Yes sir, you asked for me?" asked jihoon as he stood to the side.

"Yes jihoon, you're parents came to take you home and i think they should be the one telling you the reason. Ohh and also you have next three days off, you'll need it" said the principal.

Jihoon just stood there not knowing what to say and just mutterred a small ok sir.

After filling the leave application, they left the office about 10 minutes later.

Jihoon and his parents got inside their car. His father started the car there was complete silence. Jihoon could hear his heartbeat, he started playing with the seatbelt to distract himself.

After about 15 minutes his father finally decided to talk but what he said next broke his heart.

"Your grandmother is in the hospital. The doctor said that she might not make it through tonight and she wanted to see you" that's it, jihoon felt his whole world came crashing down.

He just sat there silently crying, waiting to see his grandmother, his angel.

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter.
Do vote and comment you're support means a lot to me.
I actually don't know how to give savage reply sry if it sounds too much😅
To everyone who don't know jaebeom is look at the photo at the top. He is jaebeom, leader of got7

Bye y'all

Love you♥

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