A Blanc Space

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After a bit of small talk and uncomfortable interactions, they made their way back to Evermist, some of them not being able to shake the feeling of deja vu, but they marched on, and right at the gate, the guards stopped them.

— Pardon, were you the ones that stopped the werewolf attack?

They exchanged looks and some turned back and hesitantly nodded, cautious of the nature of the question, some were already planning a way to get out of this conversation peacefully and avoid getting imprisoned while others clenched their calloused hands around their weapons of choice, thankfully the guard noticed the confused and tense demeanor and cleared his throat.

— Mr. Farnobius Reeve our administrador here in Evermist and representative of Count Frédéric Stalker of Bakia wants to personally thank you, would you please follow me to the townhouse? — there was a slight tremble on the right corner of his forced smile.

Evan'geline chuckled lightly "Poor bastard" she thought, if this is how the guards behave by just talking about the guy... her morbid curiosity got the best of her as she smiled wide and took a step forward — Wonderful, lead the way good man.

Rajeem raised an eyebrow and walked beside her so he could ask — What was that about?

She grinned widely and made a gesture with her fingers that was colloquially used for money — He wants to thank us Jeem!

He chuckled lightly, it kind of hurt in his shoulder when he did that so he played it cool as they continued towards the three-story building that towered amongst the one or short two-story buildings around it.

— It sticks out like a sore thumb — Eve scrunched up her nose at how distasteful the building was on the outside.

The building was a dusty washed-off red that looked intentional, not weathered with time, no, this chalky maroon was almost fresh, two weeks max, and as if this wasn't enough the corners of the building were framed with white molding, and where the next floor should start a chubby cherub peeked out on each edge sitting among fluffy clouds, the word tacky wasn't enough to describe this thing but they were in for a treat because the tackiness continued on the inside, the ceiling high double doors were opened for them once the guard stated his business and the first thing that assaulted them was the smell, a combination of old books and patchouli, and when their eyes adjusted to the space they realized the scent wasn't the worst thing on the chamber, paintings, paintings everywhere, some with a beautiful technique, oil on canvas, chalk, pencil, watercolor, some might have been too subjective for Evan'geline's taste or maybe the concept went over her head, but all the artworks had something in common, a man of dark hair with mismatched eyes one blue, one green.

Once inside and as they instinctively roamed around the room in pure confused curiosity a voice called to them as she frantically ran downstairs.

— Hi! Hi! Hello! yes, can I get your attention? Please follow me, Mr. Farnobius is ready to meet you, come come he doesn't like to wait. — what a curious little thing she was, a pink-skinned tiefling with short blond curls bouncing around her round pretty face that she tried to hide behind massive round glasses, she looked like a doll, a frilly beige dress held together by a dark leather corset and short square-heeled ankle boots.

They all exchanged a look and followed the nervous wreck of a woman, not so sure why was she so stressed or nervous. As they climbed up the stairs and left behind the patchouli and old book smell a new one welcomed them, and also a new view, the dark room lit up as they stepped in, not sure what type of magic was used for such a thing, a strong smell of dust, but a particular type of dust, similar to a plaster and mixed with something acidic or metallic, something citrusy maybe. But the real thing to notice about this room was the source of the smell, about two dozen statues of various heights, techniques, and finishes stood before them as if it were a test for them, it felt like it said "Walk through if you dare" and they know better as adventurers, there was no way they were going to cross that sick tunnel without investigating and making sure none of those was going to jump at them.

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