Part 1

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Ja'ziyah's pov

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Ja'ziyah's pov

"Good days in my mind"-sza

"Jaziyahh wake uppp it's the first day of school" my sister said. I groaned as I turned on my side. "Omgg shut up let me sleep.." I said in my sleepy voice. "Zi get up now before my hand goes to ur face." I heard a voice say . recognizing it as my mom "ughhhh" I sighed as I got up from my bed as my sister laughed behind my mom .

I walked in my bathroom. Started my shower water and took a shower. when I was in the shower I heard the front door downstairs open and close I already know my mom was at work and my sister was at the bus stop who could it be.. "unt unt who's there come df out before u catch this fade bitch" (BARS)  I said. But as I expected nobody came out , I decided to get dress and brush it off .

( Her oufit)

as i was doing my skincare my bsf ft me

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as i was doing my skincare my bsf ft me

"hello" mylani said  "heyy best" i said still ll looking at the mirror doing my skincare "girl dont 'heyy best' me where is u at im out here getting harassed by dd!!" mylani said annoyed as i tried holding my laugh "girll the bus dnt come till 8:00 ill be there soon " i said sarcastically  while laughing " aii girl if u miss the bus thas on u " mylani hung up

"sigh this girl stead rushing me" ik she brushed it off but she was trying to figure out who opened the front door earlier while she was in the shower...

"sigh this girl stead rushing me" ik she brushed it off but she was trying to figure out who opened the front door earlier while she was in the shower

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Nottis pov

as i walked to the bus stop with dd and Ddot I heard my name being called by a familiar voice " Nottiiii Mhhh" I turned around to see it being my ex girl sister na'ziyah, even when me and her sister broke up we were still close she was like my little sister who I could always tell things to I missed her I haven't seen her in a while.

"Hey zizi" I said holding my arms out for her to hug me , she came running to me and when she finally reached me she hugged me tight for a long time "I missed u so much" zizi said while we were hugging ," I missed u to " I whispered so only she could hear  , after our long hug she both hugged dd and Ddot for a long time , especially Ddot since she was REALLY JACKIN HIM !! NOT NOTTI BITCH! anyways. 

"Where is Ja'ziyah " i furrowed my eyebrows as I said in my mind , but I at least thought I said it in my mind   "She's at the house getting ready " zizi said , I stood there in shock realizing I said it out loud.

"Actually Notti can u go get her?" Zizi said, I quickly came out of daydreaming and said yes and started walking to their house . I pretended to hate Ja'ziyah when I seen her because we would always argue I know she hates me because I cheated. I deserve it I shouldn't have cheated on her with somebody I'm not even happy with word to..

I took a deep breath as I stepped in the front door of their house, I closed it behind me to hear the shower water running because the house was silent , I sat down on the couch waiting for Ja'ziyah to come downstairs.

Jaziyahs pov

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Jaziyahs pov

"Good lord bout time im done" I said as I left out my room about to head downstairs , but suddenly my heart dropped DEEP DOWN MY ASS as I saw Notti sitting on my couch with a fresh twist and new outfit ,and a man spread position . I  jumped " as I asked him what are u doing here Notti who df let u in" I said semi-yelling, "bro watch who df u talking to" he said standing up towering over me . " I-i - " "YOU SAID WHATT" he said cutting me off putting his hand over his ear moving closer. "Oh ok" he said " just shut up " I said as he walked away . "Word to my deads u better  watch who u talking to" he said cornering me against the table near my couch, "y-yk what let's just go to the bus I said trying to move "Naa we gon stay here till u apologize M- Ja'ziyah " he said  . I sighed "sorry"I mumbled  under my breath

"HUH WHAT U SAID" he said getting louder moving closer and closer to where we were chest to chest " I SAID SORRY NOW LEAVE ME DF ALONE " I said rolling my eyes while yelling getting annoyed "aii now go " he said grabbing my arm so I could go around him. His hand accidentally touched my waist it made me feel some type of way . (ARE WE TURNINGGG UPPPPP ok ok I'm promise it's my last time interrupting

He grabbed my waist and brung me into a tight hug holding my lower back.

"Na but what u been up to tho I missed u Frl " he said which had me suprised which I thought he hated me

"I missed u to I guess" I said trying my hardest not to smile , I still had feelings for Notti evb could see it even dd and Ddot even tho their bout slower than a rock

We stood there hugging for about 5 1/2 minutes realizing we missed the bus

"Omggg we missed the bus Notti this is ur fault" I said still hugging him

"I'll rather hug u than he on that bus" he said moving his hand lower down my back making me look away blushing.

TBC.. posting next part in the morning when I wake up

Is she falling back for him is she slow for still wanting him after he cheated on her Lmk mh's!!💕


Na'ziyah ?

Ja'ziyah ?



Stay tuned for chapter 2 tmr in the morning

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