Ch: 1 seeing

57 3 21

It was clear.

No color, no light, no sound.

Just clear and calm.

None of the hustle of the mortal realm.

Not until I opened my eyes.

There was a darker shape.

Older than me yet still eons younger than the world.

Behind, I see light, pale green light. Light like it was falling through a canopy of rainforest leaves.

Shadow, heavy, dark red shadow. Hanging around like a morbid murder of crows.

It has some light, small light for the pale green one.

But I'm not there yet.

I'm still clear, transparent.

I know I'll have to come out soon.

Come out to the light and color of the outside world.

Create my own color and emotion. Have to feel.


Or I could create a shell.

A way to view the world and view the color without having to feel colors myself.

I can't come out now.

The young one that just came out, still only seconds old.

He is already dreaming of power. To hold the world inside his talons. To grasp everything and re-write the world.

This casts a shadow over his future.

The shadow could consume him.

But I won't let it.

I will have to come out to protect him.

If he falls into the shadow he will never be able to come out.

The moment his scales brush it, It will drag him down.

Never to truly return.

Never be able to turn back.

But for now, I want to be clear.

Clear like water.

Clear for a while.

Because once color touches, It will be with me forever.

To never separate.

I will have to endure.

I can hear red seeping out of the red shadow.


So much red.

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