Chasing Trust

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After Noa saw Mae looking through the telescope, her movements almost mirroring those of an ape, they both continued to watch each other for a long time. Mae was lost in thought, fear tightening every muscle in her body. Could she really trust these apes? The chimpanzee who showed her kindness and the wise orangutan who spoke of peace?

Noa, observing Mae's intense focus and the subtle tremor in her stance, wondered what turmoil she might be experiencing. His thoughts wandered to the day's events and how deeply he had begun to care for her safety.

After a while, Noa, sensing Mae needed space, wandered back to camp where Raka was already asleep. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease; something about Mae's silence worried him.

Mae stayed by the telescope for a while longer, her thoughts a chaotic whirlwind. The fear of the unknown and the dawning realization of her precarious position gnawed at her. Could she really rely on Noa and Raka, or was it all a fleeting illusion of safety?

As the wind began to pick up, a shiver spread down Mae's back, making her acutely aware of the chill in the air and the uncertainty of her future. She decided then, with a heavy heart, to take the blanket that Noa had given her when they sat by the fire, to keep herself warm. Clutching it tightly, she resolved to disappear in the morning, hoping to find some semblance of control over her fate.


The next morning, the young chimpanzee was still asleep, having stayed awake for a long time, consumed by thoughts of Mae. He didn't know when sleep finally overtook him. A tap on his shoulder woke him. It was the orangutan, Raka.

"Noa, wake up," Raka said gently.

Squinting against the morning light, the chimpanzee began to open his eyes and looked up at Raka. "She is gone," Raka repeated, shaking his head slightly. His expression was sad and concerned.

Noa sat up abruptly, using his right hand to support himself. His heart raced as he looked around in shock. No, she can't be gone! he thought frantically. He scanned the area, desperately searching for any sign of the echo. Then he noticed that his mother's blanket was missing. The echo had stolen it!

Jumping to his feet, the chimpanzee's mind raced. It was early in the morning, and mist spread everywhere from the morning dew and the rising sun, creating an eerie calm.

"Do not worry about the human," the orangutan said in a soothing voice, trying to calm him. To Raka, it was clear that the wild human would disappear eventually.

The chimpanzee turned sharply to the orangutan. "She will be fine," Raka continued, trying to reassure him.

Noa looked at Raka with an angry expression. "She has the robe!" he exclaimed as he stood up straighter, determination fueling his every move. With quick steps, he walked to his horse. He had to get his mother's blanket back; it was the only thing he had left of her. The thought of losing it filled him with a sense of urgency and loss. He saddled his horse with practiced efficiency and began to ride.

In the background, Raka called out, "Noa! Wait for me!" Raising his left hand, the orangutan waved slightly in the air, wanting Noa to stop and wait for him. But the young chimpanzee was already too far gone in his resolve, the need to retrieve the blanket driving him forward.


Wrapped tightly in the blanket she had stolen, Mae walked beneath an old highway bridge. The tattered fabric clung to her shoulders, providing a scant sense of warmth and security. The concrete structure loomed above her, a remnant of a world long gone, casting long shadows in the early morning light.

Each step Mae took was heavy with uncertainty. Can I really survive out here alone? she wondered, doubt gnawing at her. The chimpanzee and the orangutan, they seemed different. But can I trust them? The blanket reminded her of the safety she briefly felt around Noa, and a pang of guilt struck her for leaving so abruptly. The rising wind chilled her further, and she tightened the blanket around herself, wishing for a sense of direction amidst her swirling thoughts.

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