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-Rydin's POV-

I jolted awake to someone shaking me. Cold sweat ran down my face. 'Same nightmare?' Rose sat next to me. Her hands on my shoulder. 'Yeah. What happened?' I wiped the sweat off with the back of my hand. 'Same thing, I heard you screaming and ran into your room.' She stated, sitting on my bed. I sighed loudly. 'I just can't seem to get it out my mind.' I muttered, she nodded, understandingly. I looked over, and saw the time. '6:12am' was plastered onto my alarm clock's screen. 'I need to get ready for school.' I stated, Rose nodded, leaving my room and closing the door for privacy. I changed my clothes, pulling a hoodie over my shirt. I walked out the door and went downstairs, where my mum placed toast on a plate on the table, I grinned, sitting down and began to eat. After I finished, I put my plate in the sink. 'Have a good day, alright?' Mum called, as I walked out the door. 'Monday's aren't my favorite!' I called back, earning a laugh from the house. I closed the door and began to walk down the sidewalk, to school.

 Upon entering, I was greeted by a Quinn running into me, along with the others catching up to her. 'Uh, hello to you too!' I smiled. Quinn rolled her eyes playfully and I pretended to be hurt, they all caught up and I noticed Jules was talking to someone I've never seen before. 'Who's he?' I asked, raising an eyebrow, Jonathon materialized next to me. 'That's Derek, Jules boyfriend.' He grinned at the two. I paused, she had a boyfriend? 'Oh. Nice to meet you.' I smiled, holding my hand out, Derek looked me up and down. 'You too, what's your name?' He questioned, shaking my hand. I realised I hadn't introduced myself. 'Oh, shit. Sorry, I'm Rydin.' I introduced, Rowan placed his elbow on my shoulder, using it as a rest. 'Rydin is usually the quiet one.' He stated, nudging me softly. I elbowed his side. 'Shut up Rowan.' I grumbled lightly, he pouted lightly. Then the bell rang. 'Oh shit, I should go. I'm gonna be late!' I realised. 'See you guys at lunch!' I ran off.

In class we were talking about boring Math's stuff. I was thinking about, the elf. Uh what was his name again? Xavier, right! I was snapped out of being zoned-out. 'Rydin?' Mrs. Flore asked, my head snapped upwards. 'Oh, uh, yes?' I said, embarrassed. Mrs. Flore was right infront of my desk... being embarrassed at that moment was an understatement. 'Are you alright? You never zone out in class.' She questioned, inspecting me. 

'A-ah, don't worry about me! I'm just... a little tired.' I lied slightly, she nodded, understandingly. 'Alright, but please try to focus on our lesson.' She smiled, I nodded, Mrs. Flore was super kind, and cared about everyone, but most teachers at my school were kind and had no tolerance to bullying. I paid attention to the rest of class, not wanting to redo that entire scene.

The bell went and I walked out the classroom, the hallways were a bit crowded, but I managed to pass through the crowd into the cafeteria, I spotted my group at our normal table, and I walked over, I noticed the new guy-Derek was it? In my spot, I looked over and Rowan was gesturing me to sit next to him and Jonathon, which I gladly accepted, I sat down. 'What's up?' I leaned into my chair. 'Not gonna eat again?' Quinn frowned, her brows furrowing together. I nodded. 'Rydin, you gotta fucking eat lunch. This isn't healthy.' She muttered, I shrugged, picking some bread off of Jonathon's plate. 'Whatever, I eat breakfast and dinner.' I looked at her, ripping some bread with my teeth, before swallowing it. 'Relax Quinn, this guy loves stealing my bread. He'll be fine.' Jonathon nudged me, I rolled my eyes and nudged him back playfully. I noticed Derek was watching us, with... Jealousy? I couldn't quite place my finger on it. I stared at him, and his cheeks turned slightly pink, before facing back to Jules. I continued to talk to the two dumbasses beside me (Rowan & Jonathon) before lunch was finished. 'Ugh I have English.' I whined, Derek looked up. 'Oh, me too.' He rubbed the back of his neck. 'Wanna go together?' I thought for a bit, before nodding. 'See you later.' I smiled at the others, as they left. It was now me and Derek. 'C'mon slowpoke.' I looked behind, Derek was trying to catch up to me. Once he finally did, we walked to our class. We got into class and sat down in our seats, I didn't know that Derek was in my class. 

After school, we hopped into Rowan's red car. (when I mean we, I mean; me, Quinn and Jonathon), Derek drove Jules back to her house. 'Oh, just drop me off here.' I said, pointing over to a spot near the forest. I had an idea, and it wasn't the greatest. 'Are you sure?' Rowan asked raising an eyebrow at the strange request. I nodded, and he hesitantly dropped me off, I waved and they drove into the darkness. I stood infront of the forest, and I hesitated, staring at the dim shadows as the moon over-casted above. I didn't know if this was a smart decision. I decided to text my Mum.


Ry: Hey ma, going to be late home a bit.

Ma: Alright, be back soon alright? It's going to get dangerous in the dark.

Ry: Yes, yes, don't worry I won't get bitten by a vampire.

Ma: Haha, get home safely 🖤

Ry: Love you

Ma: Love you too sweetheart.

I stared at the texts, before turning off my phone, I stared into the forest, hesitating, should I really do this?

I sucked in a huge breath, I needed to find that elf again, I don't know why, but I had a gut feeling I should.

(a/n: sorry for not posting ToT, is Rydin gonna go into the forest or not?)

Word Count: 1016

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