....old friend..

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So when I was like WAAAY younger I remember this imaginary friend I had.. so he looked like if nothing was a person I don't remember what I called him tho-

So he had no face no ears no hair no clothes or anything.. and he was paper white, after a while he just disappeared- what of the figure I saw was him-

Like he did impossible movements and shit and he kinda had this translucent white mist around him I have no fuckin clue how he's still here tho-

Maybe it's him or maybe it's Slenderman.. I am just now thinking about my imaginary friend, I wonder if he just misses me? Or he's mad for kinda just forgetting him?

Maybe it's not even him.. maybe it's someone else... Does anyone have any thoughts about this?..

Anyways goodbye for now, stay safe don't die!

                                    -Love, Void  

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