chapter thirty-eight.

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THE HOT WATER of the shower pours over my body, cleansing me from another night spent dreaming of Nathaniel.

The images linger, returning in flashes. His hands sliding over my hips, his fingers digging into my skin as he pushed inside of me, his expression contorting to one of pleasure as he moaned my name...

I spin the knob, turning the water frigid and forcing myself to stand beneath spray until the impure thoughts are washed down the drown.

Distantly, I hear the murmur of voices. Did Elodie put the TV on? I quickly turn off the shower and wrap myself in a towel, peering out of the bathroom.

My mouth drops open.

Elodie is standing at the front door and crouched before her is Nathaniel.

What. The. Fuck?

"What are you doing?" My voice comes out loud and borderline panicked.

"Look, Ammy!" Elodie holds up a cupcake with pink buttercream on top. "Reaper's friend got me a cupcake!"

I glower at Nathaniel as he rises slowly, his eyes sweeping down my practically naked frame. It's barely 8AM and he's dressed in a pristine suit. I clutch the towel to my chest tightly, hurrying forward to my sister.

"You can't just open the door for anyone, Elodie," I scold her. "You know that."

She frowns up at me. "I'm sorry. I thought it was Reaper."

Cringing, I pluck the cupcake from her. "You were in the middle of eating your fruit. Go finish that first."

She makes a whining sound, and I give her a look that means don't start. She trudges back over to the couch and starts eating her fruit again, flicking through a picture book.

My glare pins to Nathaniel. "What is wrong with you?" I hiss.

He raises an eyebrow, a faintly amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "What? Kids love cupcakes."

"She can't have sugar for breakfast!"

"Why not?"

"Oh my God." I shake my head, reaching across to place the cupcake on the kitchen counter. As I do, the towel slips down a few inches. I can practically feel Nathaniel's eyes burning holes into my body. I want to go and get dressed, but I also don't want to leave Elodie alone with Nathaniel for even a single moment. "What are you doing here? I made it perfectly clear that I didn't want to see you again the other day at the club."

"That wasn't exactly what you said." He leans against the doorframe, hands in pockets, his head cocked as he studies me.

I scoff. "Don't be obtuse. I said that I didn't want—"

"I'm not here about that," he interrupts. Suspicion makes me hesitate.

"Why are you here then?"

"To offer you a job."

Exhausted humor bubbles up. I rub my eyes as I chuckle. "You think I would come back to the club and work as one of your girls? Are you insane?"

"Possibly," he allows. "But that's not the job I'm offering. I've just purchased a building on the Southside. I want you to come on as the Operations Director for the new franchise of the club."

Everything goes still. I don't move, don't breathe, don't even blink. I just stare at him, waiting for the punchline.

But it never comes.

With a glance over my shoulder to ensure Elodie is occupied, I step out into the hallway, urging Nathaniel back. I keep the door lodged half open behind me, the wet towel clinging to my skin. God, I hope one of my neighbors doesn't walk past.

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