103~ A Twisted Past

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Yana's POV
[Five days ]

It was evening time and I walked with a straight face into the strangely vacant restaurant, my mind racing through everything I had done this week.

I clutched the pendrive I had found in my father's room, his letter replaying in my mind. I had almost been caught, but somehow, I managed to keep it safe.

What I'm doing is messed up, and I know I'll face the consequences. Yet, despite everything, I can't stop myself. My mother's life is at stake, but I've chosen my path and I won't back down.

I saw him sitting near the pool area, looking devastated. His disheveled state and messy hair showed how nervous he was and a smile came on my lips. I took careful, calculated steps toward him.

He came directly from the office, his formal clothes screaming of tension, and his weary face telling the tale of sleepless nights.

My gaze remained fixed on his tensed figure, even when he lifted those dark eyes to stare back at me.

I pulled out a chair and sat down, "You are looking like you will go bankrupt."

A tiny smile graced his lips and he playfully replied, "Not before your brother, Aren't you seeing news?"

I leaned back in chair before asking, "Why did you call me here, Mr. Singhaniya?"

He stared at me, seemingly searching for something in my expression, but I maintained my facade and waited for his answer, noting his nervous face.

He looked hesitant, so I pressed on, "I don't have time, Mr. Singhaniya. Get to the point."

He gulped, running his fingers through his thick hair, while I impatiently waited for him to speak, still struggling with whether I should hand over the pendrive to him or not.

"I need to talk with you.... Jaa-"

"Yana," I interrupted, raising my eyebrows at him. He looked confused by my one-word response.

"It's Yana, Mr. Singhaniya. We don't share any relation to warrant such familiarity."

His jaw clenched as he kept staring at me. I waited for his bitter words or for him to assert his ownership over my body and heart, but they never came.

He sighed, and I just stared at him, wondering what change had occurred in him during this week.

"Listen, YANA..." He emphasized my name, and a smile tugged at my lips. Seeing Ardhansh Singhaniya looking so troubled was oddly satisfying.

Now, I was sure I wasn't handing him that pendrive, not at all. I would handle everything on my own.

He rubbed his forehead while I gave him a tight-lipped smile, waiting for his reply, which came after a minute of silence.

"The ring I gave you has our daughter's reminiscent including a tracking and listening chip," he said in one breath and I just stared at him, my smile vanishing.

He tried to touch my palm, and I moved it away. "Ask for permission before touching me, Mr. Singhaniya."

I was firm in my words. He stared at me, his eyes darkening, but I didn't avert my gaze.

If I had done this earlier, this day might never have come. But my stupidity had led me here.

"Listen, Jaan, I could have used that for my gain without your permission, but I don't want to keep you in the dark. I don't want more misunderstandings between us. If you permit, it will be helpful; otherwise, I'll find another way."

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