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Liam and Zayn just finished dropping Kennedy and Micky off at Harry's house.

"Hi Kennedy." Louis said, both Micky and Kennedy ran to Louis, "I don't wanna be here." Kennedy mumbled into Louis' side, Louis patted her back, "Okay, go play with Micky and Harry." Louis said, getting his keys then getting ready to leave for boxing.

"So, do the two of you want breakfast?" Harry asked, not knowing of they have ate yet, "Daddy already fed us." Kennedy said, Harry smiled, "Both of you." Kennedy nodded, Micky went to the play room play with some trucks, Kennedy followed, grabbing a few trucks as well, Harry walked into the room, "Here you go, Kennedy. You probably don't want to play with trucks." Harry said, handing Kennedy two barbie dolls and a doll that is the size or a normal baby, Kennedy grabbed the doll, holding it by the foot, it hanging limp in her hand, she gave it a weird look, then Harry a weird look, "What am I suppose to do with this?" Kennedy asked, Micky, he shrugged.

Micky then handed Kennedy a G.I. Joe, "We can pretend this one in the army outfit is a G.I. Jane, but Jane was a medic, but we can pretend." Micky said, taking the doll in the army outfit out of Harry's hand, "What about this?" Kennedy said, holding up another doll, "She's on the other army team." Micky said, leaning it up against the wall, getting a Nerf Gun, shooting it, then handing the gun to Kennedy, "Put that thing," Micky started, gesturing to the other doll in Kennedy's hand, "with that thing," Pointing to the other barbie, "and we play." Micky said, using the other Nerf Gun, they were shooting the two dolls, occasionally playing with G.I. Joe's and Barbie, shooting small black guns at the other two dolls, "This is fun." Kennedy laughs.

Harry smiles, he gave Kennedy the dolls, and walked out of the room to make a call, not seeing what Kennedy and Micky were doing, as he walks back in the room, "What are you doing?" He screeched, taking the Nerf Guns away from Kennedy and Micky, "Aww." They both complain.

"Kennedy, girls like to play house." Harry explained, Kennedy looked at him confused, "No, Daddy always told me that girls can act like boys if they want, and boys can act like girls, and it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks." Kennedy said, making grabby hands to the Nerf Guns, "No, girls like pink, playing, not shooting, with dolls, and other girly things. Boys like blue, G.I. Joe's and other boy like thing." Harry said, Kennedy crossed her arms, "No! Daddy told me that the saying 'Sugar, spice, and everything nice' to make a girl is a lie, sugar to be sweet, spice to be sassy, and everything nice is a lie, girls can like getting muddy, they can also like working on their muscles, or they can like pink, and Barbies, but I don't, I like getting dirty, and I also like wearing boy clothes, they are more comfy, and I can move in them." Kennedy ranted, glaring at Harry, any chance of her liking him was gone faster than Road Runner.

"But Kennedy, don't you wanna have friends?" Harry said, Kennedy looked down with a glare, "I have friends, Micky, Connor, and kids from school, I won't talk to them anymore, I'm going into grade three, and they are going into kindergarten, but I like grade three." Kennedy said, Harry held back a scoff, "But don't you want friends that are girls?" He asked, crossing his arms after he dropped the Nerf Guns, "I have... Imaginary friends, one is a girl, her name is Jessie, she looks like Jessie from Toy Story, her red yarn hair, big green eyes." Kennedy said, Harry couldn't hold back his scoff any longer, "Don't you want I don't know, real friends that are girls." Kennedy felt like crying, "I don't feel like a I feel like a boy, but I'm going to be in grade three, so I can make more friends in that school, please don't hurt me." Kennedy pleaded, Harry's eyes and face softened, he's arguing with a three year old, who might be transgender, and Harry has already made her hate him before she was old enough to make rational decisions, "I won't hurt you, but why don't you play house, pretend you are a Mummy to the baby, you know what a Mummy is, right?" Harry questioned.

"Yes, a Mummy is someone who is kinda like Daddy, but a girl instead of a boy." Kennedy answered, Harry smiled, "Yea, so you pretend you are a Mummy, and the baby doll is your baby." Harry said, leaving Kennedy and Micky again.

Kennedy held the baby by the foot, shooting the other stuff animals with her Nerf Gun.


Short, I know, just life, I'm sorry, I can't write fanfictions anymore, I'll just stick to something that isn't quite this crazy, I'll finish this book, or delete it, what do you want me to do?


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