𝟕. 𝙸'𝚖 𝙵𝚕𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐

12 1 42

Louis sighed as he came into his room in his suite. Taylor following behind. He was muttering unintelligibly and Taylor ha had enough of it, she just wouldn't accept what her father was always doing to Louis. 

"I am so sick and tired of this, father always telling you how to live your life, and honestly I know you aren't enjoying."  She paused. "I have seen how you look at Harry, you like him, fuck it! You love him! Louis, what I'm trying to say is try and live, enjoy life. And if it's with Harry you might as well be with him, he's your source of happiness. Do what you believe is right, Louis, I trust you and so does Harry. It's time you start trusting yourself as well." And with that Taylor left with a few condoms on her hand. 

Leaving Louis.

Louis thought 'Thank you, Taylor, I know what I have to do.

- - -

Louis knew he was very rude to Harry in the morning. So he went to find him, he looked everywhere for him, but he couldn't find him. Just before he lost all hope of finding Harry he went to 3rd class just to find Niall finishing his plate third plate of food probably, while Zayn and Liam were nowhere to be found. 

"Hey, Niall?"


"Do you know where Harry is?"

At that Niall's head shot up, "I mo thuairimse, chuaigh sé go dtí an bogha chun smaoineamh." Niall smirked. Louis looked at him with a 'really?' look. 

"Okay, okay I meant to say is 'I think he went to the bow to think.'"

"Thanks Niall!"

Niall waved him off as he ordered another plate for himself.

- - -

Louis was now the ships bow, to see the sunset. To find Harry. As he came closer to the railing he saw a very well known figure. Harry. 

Holding the most beautiful expression on his face as he could have as of right now. Hope.

"Hello, Harry. I changed my mind. They said you might be up here." 

Harry smiled an gestured him to be silent, "Give me your hand. Now close your eyes."

Louis took a hold of Harry's hand, Harry told him not to peek, and he said "Keep your eyes closed. Don't peek." "I'm not." Louis assured, but I think he did peek.

"Good, now, step up onto the rail. Hold on. Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"All right open your eyes."

Louis opened his eyes, and when he opened them he saw the sunset, the wind on his hair, he felt Harry's hands roaming through his hands. "I'm flying. Harry."

"Come, Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up she goes. Up she goes."

Louis only chuckled as Harry was singing. And damn! That boy even had a singing voice? How can things get better? 

Suddenly Harry put his hands on Louis' waist, Louis then turned his face and looked at Harry. His eyes flickered between Harry's eyes and lips, over and over again. Endlessly. Harry doing the same.

They suddenly leaned in, closing the gap between them, letting the outside world around them pass.

They kissed softly. Passionately.

Then when they pulled away they just smiled at each other.

Neither of them knowing that, that would be the last time Titanic ever saw daylight.

- - -

They kissed, yay! also i think this book is going to fast. but anywho.

- are you ok?

are you eating enough?

-are you drinking enough water?

-did you sleep at least 8 hours?

remember I'm here if you need to talk about something or if you just need to vent to me.

Word count: 596 (its short, sorry!)

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