Chapter 5: Knee Deep in Jack

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Forty-five minutes later, we were walking up the boardwalk towards the hole-in-the-wall bar. Birdee had done my make-up and gave me her Louis Vuitton clutch to use. We walked down the boardwalk, coming up quickly to the bar. Stephen and his friend were hanging around outside, talking as we approached Stephen, his tall build towering over me. He smiled his toothiest smile as his friend introduced himself to Birdee.

"Hey, I'm Kevin and you are?" he asked, reaching his hand out to me. I smiled, blushing from the attention, grabbing his hand. He softly squeezed, giving a white toothy smile. Kevin was tall, like Stephen. His blonde hair was slightly shaggy and in a mess. His eyes were like the ocean, deep and vast. His broad shoulders and torso clung perfectly to his cream polo. I blushed, realizing quickly that Birdee probably thought he was hot.

"I'm Kyla." I say softly, Stephen motioned towards the bar, following closely behind me. He lightly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled the door open. He gestured for us to walk through as Birdee entered the establishment I looked up at Stephen. I smiled shyly, his hazel eyes glancing down at me for a second. Kevin followed behind Birdee as Stephen walked in behind me.

"So, Kyla, where are you from?" he asked as we made our way toward a booth in the back of the old bar. The East Coast memorabilia lining the walls from different towns throughout the East End and beyond. It had a homey feel, with the few barflies staring our way as we wandered in.

"Oh, we are from Chicago actually." I say, sliding into the booth seat.

"That's awesome, we are from the city, just came for a weekend away. You know get a fresh start for Monday." He shrugged, chuckling a little as he slid in next to me. His strong accent gave me a flashback of the cab driver from the ride here. I gave a sheepish smile, shimming out of my leather jacket. I could see from the corner of my eye, Stephen staring at me intently. Not like I was a meal or snack, but as if I was radiating beauty. The way genuine men looked at Birdee. The way Scott did.

"That is cool, what is that you do Stephen?" I ask setting Birdee's clutch next to me, pushing my random thoughts from my mind. The waitress made her way towards our table. Stephen shimmed out of his long peacoat, revealing a defined chest and biceps. Birdee caught my gaze and mouthed, "Do him". I scoffed as the waitress approached the table. She was short, brunette, wearing a leather jacket and jeans. Her hair bunched up into a messy bun, her lips plump and red. She popped her gum, smiling widely, displaying a set of wired braces.

"What can I get ya?" She said, snapping her gum again.

"Can I get a shot of jack and," I paused, turning toward Birdee, "Do you wanna just do a pitcher of beer?" She nodded, looking at Kevin and smiling.

"Can I also get a pitcher of," I paused, "what do you have on tap?" I asked politely, looking at her and smiling.

"We have Coors, Guinness, Pabst, and some random local IPA." She smiled, the gear in her mouth stretching to the corners of her mouth.

"I'll take the IPA." She jotted it down on her notepad.

"Do yous want anything?" she asked the guys, tapping the pencil on the top of the notepad.

"Make that the bottle of jack, and an extra pitcher of that beer," Stephen said, smiling her way. She smirked at him plopping the notepad on the tray she was holding, turning to walk towards the bar. She popped her gum loudly one more time before disappearing to the back.

"I don't think we should get that drunk," I say, looking at Stephen and smiling sheepishly again.

"It's okay if you buy the bottle, they leave you alone for a while and I want to get the chance to know you in between drinks." Wow, he was laying it on heavy. I blushed lightly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

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