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I knock on the heavy oak door, the sound dull against the thick wood

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I knock on the heavy oak door, the sound dull against the thick wood. "Come in!" Uncle Mattia's voice calls out, rough and familiar. Taking a deep breath, I push the door open. His office is dim, the overhead light off, and the weak afternoon sun barely filters through the drawn blinds. Papers are scattered across his desk like usual, the smell of leather and old books lingering in the air.

"Isabel," he says, leaning back in his chair, a tired smile tugging at his lips. "I was beginning to think you'd found an excuse to avoid me."

"Not today," I say, stepping inside and closing the door behind me. "Figured you could use the company in your cave."

He chuckles lowly, a sound more out of habit than humour. "Cave, office, what's the difference when you're trapped inside all day?"

I take a seat across from him, noting that the lines on his face look deeper than the last time I saw him. "You look exhausted, Uncle Mattia."

"That's just life catching up with me," he says, brushing off my comment. "You didn't come here to discuss my wrinkles, though. What's on your mind?"

I sit up straighter, my fingers playing with the strap of my bag. "I'm ready to move back on-campus."

His expression shifts, eyes narrowing slightly. "You're sure? After everything-"

"It's over. The death threats against you are gone. They caught the guy, Uncle Mattia. It's safe now."

For a moment, he doesn't say anything, just watches me like he's weighing my words, searching for something. Then, he sighs, leaning forward with his hands clasped together. "Isabel, I never took you off-campus just for your safety. This was about family, about protecting everyone."

"I know," I say softly. "But I can't keep hiding. I've missed too much already. Besides, the police said it's under control. I need to be back, to finish what I started. My psychology degree is nearly finished. You know I have to do this. Just one more year."

He looks at me for a long moment, eyes tired but still sharp. Finally, he nods. "Alright. If you're sure, I'll sign off on the transfer."

A weight lifts off my shoulders, though it's not entirely gone. "Thank you."

"Just remember, if anything feels off, anything at all, you come straight to me. I won't risk this family again."

"I will," I say, standing. "I'll keep my guard up."

He lets out a humourless laugh. "Good. Because I know I can't keep you hidden away forever."

"Thanks, Uncle Mattia," I say, giving him a quick hug before heading for the door. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk out, but I don't turn back. There's nothing left to say.

Outside, the late afternoon sun is already dipping behind the buildings, casting long shadows across the street. The campus feels quieter than usual, almost unnaturally still. As I walk, my steps echo softly against the pavement, each sound sharp in the silence. I pull out my phone and dial Sophia's number, my best friend, waiting as it rings.

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