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"Miss Bianchi, please stay back after class."


The lecture hall empties slowly, students chatting in small groups as they file out. I linger near my seat, watching them leave, the low hum of their voices fading into the hallway. Leonardo is still at the front, gathering his papers, but his eyes flicker toward me more than once. The look he gives me tells me everything.

When the last student finally steps out, I make my way to the door, locking it with a click. I blur the glass leading to the outside, shutting out the world that doesn't belong in here with us. There's a rush in my chest as I turn back to him, and before I know it, I'm in his arms, hugging him tightly. His body, always so tense, always so guarded, relaxes the moment I wrap my arms around him. He sits us down on the desk, me on his lap.

He kisses me softly, and I melt into him, loving the way his lips move against mine. It's something I've come to crave, the way he kisses me first now. He used to hate physical contact, used to pull away from anything that required closeness. But now, every kiss, every touch, is filled with care. Well, except when we're in bed, then it's something else entirely.

His hand rests on my waist as I pull away slightly, just enough to look up at him. "Why did you ask me to stay back?" I ask, my voice soft, but there's an uneasiness settling in my stomach. Something about the way he asked me to stay behind feels heavy, and I can already sense I'm not going to like what's coming.

He shifts, his jaw tightening for a moment. "I have something to tell you," he says, his voice steady, but I can see the tension building in his shoulders again.

My stomach twists, and I step back, letting my arms fall to my sides. "What is it?" My voice is quieter now, almost hesitant.

He doesn't waste time. "I got offered the Deputy Director job."

I freeze. "What?"

"The FBI," he adds, his tone calm, as though he's talking about something mundane, something that doesn't have the power to shake our world. "It's a different division. The President and the Senate have to agree first, but I'd be overseeing everything."

It takes me a second to catch up with what he's saying. My mind races, piecing together what he's just dropped on me like a bomb. "You'll be the leader of the entire freaking FBI? How did that even happen?" I ask, my voice rising, disbelief lacing every word.

"Co-leader," he corrects, like that softens the blow.

I pull away completely, stepping off his lap and onto the cold floor of reality. My feet feel unsteady as I start pacing, my mind reeling. He watches me, confusion flickering in his eyes.

"Why aren't you happy?" he asks, his voice laced with genuine confusion.

I stop pacing and turn to him, my chest tight, my throat constricting. "Because, Leo," I say, my voice shaking just a little, "your mental health is going to deteriorate. We'll pull away from each other. You'll get sucked into that world again, and I'll lose you."

His brows furrow as he stands up, closing the distance between us. "It might happen," he says slowly, "but this is my dream job."

I let out a laugh, shaking my head. "A job? That's what this is about? Is a job more important than me?"

Something changes in his expression. His eyes darken, and for a moment, I'm not looking at the man who kissed me gently only moments ago. His voice drops to a dangerously low tone. "I'll decline the offer right now."

His words send a chill through me, the finality in his voice clear. He means it. He would walk away from his dream without a second thought, and the weight of that hits me hard.

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