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10:00pm everyone at Elma's house

Basit : Shahzain I'm gonna punch your face if you don't shut this mouth of yours!!!

Shahzain : itna chhubne laga hu sabko ~

Hamza Ali Shahzain and Basit was setting table for dinner where Hurain Sira Aina and Elma was setting beds and Elma's room balcony as they decided to sit their after dinner and talk ~

Basit : Ali Listen  make noddles but without eggs ~ okay

Ali smile and nodded his head where Hamza look at Basit who was busy in making nan ~

Shahzain : hmm hmm eggs se allergic hain Abdul Basit ~

Ali : Shahzain you know you should shut your mouth or He's gonna do it for you ~

Shahzain : emotional damage!!!

Hamza : Basit need help ?

Basit look at him which make him distracted from his work. Which cause his hand burn by the flame ~

He didn't even hiss and normally move his hand

Hamza : BASIT !!!

Ali Shahzain look at him with worried where Hamza run towards him and grab his hand

Hamza : bhai your hand got burn !!!

Basit didn't said anything and just look at his burn hand

Hamza : Basit yaar you gotta be careful!!

Hamza : Ali can you gave me ice cubes from the freezer ~

Ali : oh wait wait !

Shahzain : wait lemme bring ice hand bag ~

Hamza : yeah it's in my room ~

Basit : stop everyone, koi nhin mujhe dard nhin ho raha rehne don

Hamza : bhai are you mad ? At least look at the skin it's red ~

Basit : Hamza Hamza!!

He side hug him where Hamza didn't let go of his hand ~

Basit : it's nothing my brother ~

Hamza : b-

Elma : is everything okay ?

Basit Hamza look towards the entrance and saw Elma with worried face ~

Basit squeeze Hamza's hand softly just to sign him not to tell her

Basit : I was about to put sugar in gravy instead of salt that's it ~

Elma : yeah Allah , Hamza you both !!! Be careful na. !

Basit : okay okay you go-

Shahzain : Yaha raha Ice bag !

Basit Hamza put their hand on their forehead ~

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