chapter 1 The begining

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The sun is setting

Soon,it's ray wont be enouth to light up the delabred walls of the room ;

not that it was supose to in the first place, but the roof of the room collapsed a week ago,and now the small breeze is able to enter the crumbing dungeon, dring the mossy walls, who suffered of the exesive humidity and erosion for the past decades

among the dust and debry, 

a book,or rather a small diary, covered by a thin layer of dust, its pages slightly curled by humidity, the corners barely torn, the leather of the cover still a bit shining ,in comparaison to the rest, seem rather new and out of place

in it coud be read the following text

Words hold power

that what i was taught growing up

so when tell you that i Hate teenages girls right now, i mean it with my soul

making my job more hard that it already is


I'm the protagonist of my life, and this diary ,it's mine

wich i must say,it's quite impolite to read

anyway, i'm righting my story in case i came to disapear without a trace,to die ,witch might happend sooner than expected

I am no master of words, that's Mimi's job, but to put it simply, i'm a exorcist, learnd it from my dad, and wont reveal much but my work consist in helping erand soul and guiding them to peace

i was in a calm neighborhood, helping a grandmother access the afterlife when all hell break loose, litteraly .

The cause ? A birthday pary ! The girls trought it woud be funny to play with a ouija board.

WHY ?!

And who has to deal with the consequences ?

I'ts me

So shit went down, yady yada, and now i'm haunted by the most annoying little  pricks to exist and itsuck

You know what else suck ?

Vampire, litteraly

And gess who i need to help me ?

I need a break



hi ! i hope it was to your liking so far

as i said, english isn't my first language, so if i make mistakes, dont be afraid to point them out!

i will probably edit this story soon, but my updating planning really dont exist, so if you want  a next part soon, make yourself know in the comments


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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