Notice from the author

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Hi guys! Long time no see! If you want an alternative ending of Painter of the Night: the Runaway Agasshi please message or comment me because I really did have a fuck up ending on that fanfiction story but I was hesitant  to do it because of the Community Guidelines of Wattpad and I fear that this fanfic story will be deleted if I created that fuck-up ending.

On my current status of writing, unfortunately, I have to be on hiatus as of now because I am so busy of my current job as a government employee so I have no time in writing but I do have some stories I have updated recently but I lose interest and delete them *cough Pearl boy* cough. 

I realize as I first write that story that I am just into-moody, top, sadistic, yandere male characters after all. They're my bias and I love them especially those possessive ones!

Anyway, thank you so much guys for reading this fanfic story although, it's not perfect due to the messy storyline and the grammar but it made me happy that I manage to finished a Wattpad story for almost 13 years that I have devoting on writing fanfic stories and I got semi-hiatus during pandemic and return on writing on 2021. How did I got 13 years on fanfic writing? Well, I started writing on but my old account was deleted for a deep reason. 

Writing had been a therapy to me. It's like my own escapism from my personal problems and dilemma and I love it because I manage to get a job related to writing and I am currently struggling right now but I am happy. 

For now, I have to tell you guys again, thank you so much but this is not the last time you'll ever see me writing. If I manage to return back on my passion for writing despite of my busy schedules, maybe I can return back and update some of my unfinished fanfic stories particularly manhwas. 

I hope someday, I can manage to write my own original wattpad novel!!!

Take care!!! 

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