Chapter One

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Putting the last brush back on the shelf in the tack room I felt a wave of satisfaction wash over me as I finished my last chore for the day, working at Moorland Stables wasn't always easy but it was always worth it. Which was why my summer job three years ago had turned into a full-time move to Jorvik. Smiling at the memory of the early days I turned from the shelves and noticed the crisp white envelope sat on the common table with my name written on it in elegant cursive. I already knew who it was from; the Baroness' team with their bi-weekly update on the construction of their newest stable block.

At the beginning of the year, I managed to catch the eye of the Baroness at the Equestrian Festival and from there she asked me to regularly train the new eventing horses she would be getting in. The offer also came with the request that they be stabled at Moorland for the time being, while the construction work was being completed. With the offer holding both prestige and a much-needed cash injection into Moorland Stables, I had agreed - although at the time I hadn't realised quite how much of my time it would take up.

I sighed at the lilac-coloured piece of paper slipped from the envelope, another handwritten letter from the Baroness asking that I reconsider her proposal of moving to the Silverglade Equestrian Centre on a full-time basis. A request that I had refused countless times and in the more recent months had taken to ignoring completely, Moorland was my home - it was where I wanted to be.

"Earth to Jess!" Maya's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked to her and smiled, raising the note for her to see to which she rolled her eyes. "She really doesn't give up, does she."

"Apparently not." I sighed, shaking my head.

Maya turned from the common room and started heading towards the stalls, grabbing a shovel on her way. "Thomas is looking for you! He's just outside the stables." She called back to me in her ever-cheerful tone. Shouting my thanks I headed towards the stable doors and out into the crisp Autumn air.

Shivering at the sudden change in temperature, I spy Thomas Moorland in the centre of the courtyard and head over to him.

"There you are!" He called as he catches sight of me, I returned his greeting with a wave. "I have some fantastic news to share."

"Fantastic news? Do tell!" I replied, Thomas' beaming face showed his clear eagerness to share this good news with me.

"The Baroness has decided to make a very large donation to us, enough that we could easily fund ourselves for at least a couple of years without any other incomes!" Thomas exclaimed. My mouth fell open in response, from the top of my head I couldn't even begin to calculate how much that must be. "Her only condition is that you move up to the equestrian centre as soon as you're able to. I've cleared your rota and you can start your move today!"

"Wait - what did you say?" I retort, shocked. Thomas and I had spoken many times in the recent months about the Baroness' request and he knew that it wasn't something I was interested in taking up, Moorland was my home and I had no interest in being shipped around the world to compete as her prodigy. "I'm not moving to the centre Thomas!"

"Jessamine, this is the right call for you. Being here, teaching beginner lessons for the kids and leading trail rides for the tourists is holding you back. You've got so much potential!" He replied, clasping his hands together and smiling.

Everything in my head was spinning - this could not be happening. I'd been at the stables now for three years, thought of the Moorland's as my own family since making the big move to Jorvik. Yet here Thomas stood, ready to ship me off against my own will.

"What about me?! What about what I want?!" I exclaimed, all the emotion suddenly pouring out of me in a tidal wave I was powerless to stop. "We're supposed to be a family here Thomas, you can't just sell me out to the highest bidder!"

"This is the right call for you kiddo." Thomas said reassuringly, reaching forward to place a hand on my shoulder. Shrugging it off I turned back towards the stable doors, letting myself back into the warm barn that has been my sanctuary for so long now.

I could hear Thomas' boots echoing on the tiles as he followed behind me and his calls, asking me to think about this - I ignored them. Over the months, I had thought about this many times and had made my decision. Mine. He had no right to take that away from me!

Maya paused in her humming as I stormed past with Thomas on my heels, a confused and concerned look on her face but she said nothing. I continued on past her and into the tack room grabbing a brown set I'd already laid out for a hack I'd planned to take with Nana after my chores were finished, back when everything made sense and the world was firmly under my feet. Although it had really only been an hour or so ago that time already felt like another day, week ...lifetime.

"Please Jessamine, you're not thinking clearly. You're holding yourself back here! Moorland will always be your home; you know you can come back and see us anytime you like that won't change." Thomas pleaded, standing in front of the tack room door in an attempt to get me to stop and listen to him. It would make no difference; I'd heard all I needed to hear in the yard.

Pushing past him I headed to Nana's stall. She nickered softly as I entered but stayed still as I quickly tacked her up, a stillness that showed she knew something was wrong. I may not have had her long but she was a smart mare and already we were well tuned into each other. With her all ready to go, I led her forward and back outside not caring that my sudden departure from the stall had Thomas jumping backwards to avoid getting trodden on.

I knew it was chilly outside, I'd felt it just moments earlier but now I registered nothing. How could temperature possibly matter now?

Slipping my foot into the stirrup, I pulled myself up and onto Nana's back - vaguely registering that Thomas was stood by me and still speaking. As I picked up the reins, I noticed Maya running out from the main house with Justin hot on her heels, I hadn't noticed her leaving the stables. They were clearly headed this way, but it didn't matter to me, I was past the point of wanting to hear what anyone else had to say. Clicking my tongue, I urged Nana to head into a canter, no destination in mind.

"Jess, stop!" I heard Justin cry as we flew past him. In the corner of my eye, I saw him reach up in an attempt to slow Nana down and get her to stop, but she was focused on me and I squeezed my legs on her sides to encourage her to go on faster. Her hoofbeats seemed to echo 'home, home, home' and I focused on them as we rode away, until eventually the word stopped and the tears started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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