Chapter 7. Blue ocean hearts

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Contrary to what My had thought, Moomin had come down to have breakfast with the rest of the family.

'Good morning, son. It looks like a fantastic day for a trip to la mer" said Moominpappa as he saw him.

'Goodmorning, pappa. Thank you, but I think I've got enough fishing for a while'.

'Why,haven't you already finished your task?' asked Moominmamma.

'Yeah, but Mr. Hemulen said he might asks us to repeat it, although he will be busy pickling for a few days' explained Moomin.

'Yeah, whatever we fish now will rot away', said My.

'I see. After all, that's enough fishing for a while, even for Snufkin, I believe', said Moominpappa.

'Is he coming down for breakfast?' asked Moominmamma.

And just as Moomin was about to say some kind of blunt remark about him being anywhere, Snufkin walked into the kitchen.

'Good morning Moominmamma, good morning Moominpappa', he saluted.

'Morning, young man'.

'Good morning, dear. You arrive just in time!', said Moominmamma.

My observed the scene amused.

Moomin tried to keep his sight on his food, but he couldn't help but notice that Snufkin had chose to sit apart from him, next to My.

Snufkin, on the other hand, felt strangely relaxed, although somewhat uncomfortable after all. Anyways, he didn't have the strength to talk about the elephant in the room again, so he chose to remain quiet during the whole breakfast until he was done.

'Thank you, Moominmamma' he said once he finished.

'It's fine, dear. Do you want anything else?' she asked.

'Yes, I need to set my camp outside again. Could I have some tea leaves for the day?' he asked. He sent a quick look to Moomin and saw that he was obviously irritated, but Snufkin was determined.

'Oh, sure! I'll bring you some' said Moominmamma, who finally could understand Moomin's negative expression.

'Ah, to lay on the soft, spring grass and enjoy the sounds and lights of nature in the middle of the dark!' said Moominpappa. 'I remember your father wasn't very keen on sleeping on the ground, he would more likely find a tree to sleep in. And your mother would join him sometimes. I'll never know how they managed to sleep on one single branch!'

'Moomin, Moomin!'.

Moomin turned his head hearing the familiar voice yelling his name.

'Sniff! What's the hurry?', asked Moomin.

'Oh, hi everyone! Look at what I found!' he said, leaving his wooden chest on the table and opened it to take a rock out.

My jumped up on the table and took a look inside the chest.

'By my tail! You're actually collecting rocks!' she exclaimed as she stared at almost a dozen different rocks inside.

'Yeah, but this morning I went to the beach to see whatever rock the tide had left on the shore. Well, there is where I found this' he said showing a small shiny green crystal proudly as he had caught everyone's attention.

'Wooow!' exclaimed all at once.

'It's shiny' said Snufkin.

'It's tiny' said My.

'It's beautiful' said Moomin.

'It's all those things and definitely rare. Congratulations, Sniff. You've got a quite peculiar stone there', said Moominpappa.

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