Chapter 1- Wake Up

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DISCLAIMER - Death mention, Descriptive injuries, Blood/Gore Warning!

[Narrator/... pov] [This is how i write weirdly- no judging TnT]

I couldn't help but stay where I was when I finally opened my eyes. It felt as if the sky was staring back at me, such a gradient of colors that soon dulled into what was supposed to be the color of the night sky. Full of stars and a moon at the very head of the sky. 

It took me a couple moments to 'Wake up' I guess you could say before blinking rapidly. I didn't get up I simply looked around. The feel of what was below me was soft and turning my head slowly I was on grass, further more looking out I could see I was on a grassy plane. There were tree's they looked like palm trees almost, the surroundings behind them that blended into the background looked like mountains and loops. I couldn't see too far, but I could see oddly well despite the area I was in being pitch black even with the moonlight's help.

I slowly turned my head to the other side and saw the same scenery, well basically anyway. I turned my head back up and my other senses started to go off in my head.

My hearing was fine. I could hear the wind blowing through the grass and tree's

My touch was fine too, I could feel the grass on my back and with my hands. 

My taste, well I didn't want to test that for now. 

The only worrying things were my sight and smell.

My sight while I could see all that I could I kept closing and opening my eyes and noticed that no matter how much I blinked my right eye couldn't see anything. 

My smell on the other hand was fine, but what I smelled was worrying. I smelt iron, similar to rust in a way. But on this grassy plane their shouldn't be any type of metal near. Me at least.

After taking in my surroundings I finally snapped out of my drowsiness and blinked. 

I took in my surroundings again a bit quicker and finally sat up slowly. The iron smell got stronger as my right leg was surrounded in a dark red liquid. Well I can guess what that is. Despite not knowing where the injury came from I was calm and well... no I was calm. But under that i was panicking. Where did I get this from? Did I injure myself.. or was it something or someone that did this to me? I couldn't see the injury that was making all this blood come out anyway, but at this rate I would pass out from blood loss.

Makes sense for my earlier drowsiness now.

I needed to find something to help me patch this wound but in the middle of nowhere that would take a miracle. So for now I HAD to clean up the blood. I couldn't walk but I couldn't crawl neither unless I wanted to military crawl and injure my leg more.

Slowly I stood up on my 1 good leg and decided to try and see if there was any water near me. Out of instinct my ears twitched and I started heading left. I slowly hopped in that direction for a long time, my path was starting to light up as the moon started to set and the sun rose from opposing ends and I could hear the babbling of a river near and I let out a sigh in relief. I kept hopping in the direction and when the sun was near the head of the sky I spotted the river. 

I quickly sat near it and before I cleaned my leg I cupped my hands and took a few sips of water. The water helped my throat which had seemingly been dry and hoarse before. I cleaned my leg slowly to make sure I somehow didn't injure my self more than I already am watching the blood slowly flow down the river and I finally saw what injury I had, and it was horrific. That can't begin to describe it but, its all i'm willing to say. The skin and bone had been seemingly cut into and it reached just near the center of my leg before stopping. I could easily see my flesh and bone marrow, the blood didn't stop either. I had to keep cleaning my leg with the river water, but at this rate I would still black out from blood loss if I didn't patch it up with something!

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