Jongsang || Until the End

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Jongho and Yeosang had been inseparable since middle school, their bond stronger than any force of nature. They shared dreams and secrets, whispered promises under desks during boring classes, and made plans for a future they never imagined would end like this.

Jongho clung tightly to Yeosang's hand.

"Yeosang," Jongho said softly, his voice trembling with emotion, "do you remember that promise i made with you under the desk in high school?"

Yeosang turned to him, tears glistening in his eyes. "Of course I do, Jongho. You promised we'd always be together, no matter what."

Jongho nodded, his grip tightening on Yeosang's hand. "I meant it then, and I mean it now. I'll always be with you."

Yeosang squeezed his hand in return, their fingers intertwined "Thank you, Jongho. For everything."

They stood in silence for a moment, watching as the sky turned crimson with the approaching meteor. The world seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the inevitable impact.

As the meteor streaked closer, Jongho pulled Yeosang close, their foreheads touching as they shared their final moments. The air filled with a surreal calmness, a sense of acceptance and peace settling over them.

"I love you, Yeosang," Jongho whispered, his voice barely audible over the roar of destruction around them.

Yeosang tried to speak, his lips parting to respond, but the meteor struck with a deafening roar. The ground shook violently, and a blinding flash of light consumed everything.

In those fleeting seconds before the end, Jongho held onto Yeosang with all his strength, their bodies pressed together in a desperate embrace. Tears mingled with the rain of ash and debris as they clung to each other, their love transcending time and space.

And as the world shattered around them, Jongho's last words echoed in Yeosang's mind, a bittersweet melody amidst the chaos: "I'll always be with you."

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