Day Job - Part one

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Dan Howell lived the average life, sort of, for a 24 year old. He owned a flat and he had a part-time job. On weekends he sat home, ate a lot, played video games, was way too sarcastic and made goofy YouTube videos in his rather interesting bedroom. Not much special right? 

Late november Dan had work so was up at 9.00am, early for him, and was finally ready by 10.00am. Checking his appearance in the large mirror on the wall as he opened the door and stepped out, sniffing at the 'fresh' London air. From there he caught a taxi, as he did everyday, and went to the bar where he worked. He sighed as he realised it was going to be a long day. 

Dan had been there for a couple hours now and the end of his shift was prominent. Standing with his elbows on the table and his head in his palms he noticed someone sit in front of him. He couldn't help but spot the fact that the guy was wearing a pokemon shirt, Dan's secret obsession. He perked up a little and asked the man, "Hi, i'm dan, what can I get you?" He replied quietly, "I'm Phil. Strongest you've got please." "Rough night?" Dan kindly asked. "yeah, girlfriend cheated on me" he sadly replied. "Mind if I join you, my shift ends now." Phil accepted. Dan loosened his tie, walked around the bar and sat down next to the tall, pale man. 

Dan and phil sat there for hours talking, barely even drinking. Dan just wanted to cheer him up and realised that Phil cheered him up too and made the day seem a lot less boring. Eventually, the time Dan had to leave came around and as he told Phil his face seemed to drop as they had been having such a good time. Promising to stay in touch they exchanged contact details and a friendship was formed. 

The next day Dan woke up in a surprisingly happy mood considering he hated waking up. Also, for once he was up just under 10 minutes after waking up, Dan must have been ill because that is a hell of a record for him. After stretching, wiping his eyes and yawning a couple times he got in the shower to cleanse himself of the stench of the bar. Stepping out of the shower he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself, drying his hands and checking his phone. He had a message from Phil, it read ; 'Hey Phil, was such a good laugh yesterday night. Totally got over my ex and I just wanted to thank you for becoming my friend - Phil.' Dan chuckled to himself, Phil seemed like that kind of guy. Dan thought about what to do first considering it was a Saturday and he didn't have work, meaning he could just stay at home and play video games. However, he remembered what Phil was wearing last night. A pokemon t-shirt, skinny jeans and a little L (from Deathnote) on his keys. Quickly pulling out his phone he texted Phil. 'Hey Phil, it's okay :) I had fun yesterday too. You fancy having a Deathnote marathon with me? - Dan' He clicked send and blushed a little causing his cheeks to go a light shade of pink. 

BEEP BEEP! Dan's phone went off causing Dan to have a rude awakening back to this universe, perhaps an existential crisis? Hoping it was Phil, Dan quickly checked his phone.  'OMFG YES OFC WHERE DO YOU LIVE????' 

Quickly replying Dan put 'Apartment 221 B, i'll unlock the door so you can just come in. I'll be in the first door to your right. Be careful tho , might be in the shower c;' 

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