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as i walk in the house Latch by sam smith fills my ears.

as I walk deeper into the house, I see different shit. they got a section playing beer pong, another playing table tennis.

I see the drink area and I start to make my way over there. i grab some ever-clear and pour a lot inna a cup.

im trying to forget shit tonight.

i down the shit fast and pick more up downing that as-well ;  i feel a tap on my shoulder.

i turn around to see Mia.

"whats wrong mia?" i probed her "isnt that kyahs brother?" she points towards the door.

i look towards the door to see what she was talking about.., his eyes search the room until they finally land on mines

i think we are close enough.

my heart quivered as he stared at me.

i wanna lock in your love.

mia looked at me with a worried expression, "its fine mia" i said with a convincing tone.

she nods her head and makes her way to the dance floor. I wasn't gonna hold my problems against her.

i look back at him to see him still staring at me.

I think we're close enough

i quickly pull my eyes away from his, i feel my eye swell with tears.

i run up the stairs to go into what I assume to be the guest bedroom.

i close the door, curling up into a ball, letting my tears fall onto my lap. my heart aching with excruciating pain.

I hear the door creek open.

I hear the door creek open

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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