𝟖. 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚠 𝙼𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜

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Louis and Harry came into Louis' room suite. Laughing. Talking about life. Earlier after they kissed, Louis thought of exciting idea. Louis then asked "Will this light do?"


"Don't artists need good light?" Louis asked teasingly.

"That is true, but I'm not used to working in such horrible conditions." Harry said sarcastically. He then saw the Picasso's and Monet's and a painting in particular made him exclaim "Monet!"

Louis was surprised, "Do you know his work?"

"Of course. Look at his use of color here. Isn't he great?"

"I know. It's extraordinary." Louis said, his eyes were flickering to Harry's lips before he left to grab a safe, thankfully he remembered the safe's code "Dad insists on carting this hideous thing everywhere."

Harry chuckled. "Should we be expecting him and Nick any time soon?"

"Not as long as the cigars and brandy hold out." He said as he showed Harry the heart of the ocean. "That's nice. What is it, a sapphire?"

Louis nodded 'no'. "A diamond. A very rare diamond." He paused, seeing Harry looking at it amazingly. "Harry, I want you to draw me like one of your French boys. Wearing this."

"All right."

"Wearing only this." As those words escaped his mouth, Harry looked at him with utter shock. Seeing if Louis was kidding, looking if there was something on Louis face, to make sure he was that Louis was sure.

He saw nothing.

He then continued to sit down, and grab all of his drawing supplies, placing them organized.

Meanwhile, Louis left to his room to take his clothes away. 'Should I really be doing this? You know what? I am, I need a taste of acceptance before we leave.'

So Louis took the final piece of clothing and grabbed a see-through kimono and wrapped it around himself. He came out of his room and saw Harry setting up his art supplies. Louis came closer. "The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll. As a paying customer I expect to get what I want." Louis said as he threw a dime to Harry who catched it. 'This is it, there's no turning back now.' Louis thought.

Louis then took a few steps backwards and let the robe fall from his shoulders. Harry looked at Louis lovingly, he then got out of his trance and said "Go over on the bed, uh, the couch."

Louis nodded, and proceeded to lay down, "Tell me when it looks right." Louis said, while moving a little to be more comfortable.

"Put your arm back the way as it was. Put that other arm up, that hand right by your face there."

"Right." Louis said nervously.

"Good, now, head down. Eyes to me. Keep them on me. And try to stay still."

"Oh, so serious." Louis said dramatically.

Sometime later, like halfway through the drawing, Louis noted that Harry's cheeks were pink so he said to him "I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing." He said teasingly.

He saw that it worked, Harry's cheeks then flushed a deep red, crimson color. Harry cleared his throat, "He does landscapes."  Harry pointed out. "Please just relax your face."

"Whoops! Sorry." Louis said with a chuckle.

"Oi! And no laughing."

Louis nodded in agreement. He felt as if his heart was pounding the whole time. It was the most erotic moment of his life up until then, at least.

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Eventually Harry finished the portrait an it looked stunning!

Louis then put his robe back and looked at the drawing. "It's amazing." He whispered quietly, before giving Harry a quick peck on his lips. "Will you put this back in the safe for me?" Louis asked Harry, Harry nodded and Louis went to put on his clothes.

After Harry put the heart of the ocean on the safe, he went outside of the suite. And after some time he went back inside Louis' suite, rubbing his hands due to the cold. As soon as he got inside, he was met with Louis wearing a light blue suit, with a touch of pink in it. "Why, you look nice."

Louis chuckled, he leaned in to kiss Harry when a voice sounded "Mister Louis?"

"Oh shit." Louis said quietly, and grabbed Harry's big hand into his, and started to make their way to the door. "My drawings!" Harry exclaimed quietly, but it was too late. Louis had already closed the door and the other door opened. 

The pair started running, holding hands, as Luke was chasing after them. They made it to an elevator and quickly pressed it on the lower levels. Louis mockingly said "Bye." As he stuck his middle finger out. Making Harry laugh, and him saying "Sorry." Even though they both knew that he really wasn't.

They quickly got out of the elevator and went to some doors to hide as Luke was chasing them. "Pretty tough for a valet, this fella." Harry added. "Seems more like a cop." 

Louis chuckled and replied. "I think he was."

Suddenly Luke saw where Louis and Harry were, "Oh, shit." Harry said in surprise.

They started to run again, then Harry took notice of a door and pulled Louis inside it by the hand. It turned out to be the engine room. They immediately put their hands in their ears as to not listen to the engine noises.

"Oi! What you lads doin' down 'ere, ey? You shouldn't be down here. It could be dangerous!"

Loui rolled his eyes "Oh, carry on!" "Don't mind us. You're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!" Harry added as they laughed. Louis' suit flowed beautifully on the reflection.

They finally made it to a storage room and there was a red car there. "Lookie at what we have here?"

Harry opened the door so Louis could get in. "Thank you." He said as he took a hold of Harry's hand and got in.

Harry got on the drivers seat and said "Where to, mister?" Louis chuckled and replied.

"To the stars."

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Hii! how are you? sorry i'm not updating fast, i felt sooo uncomfortable writing this. and next chapter is smut. an i rea smut, but cant write it. lol! so could you please write the smut, right here? like really, right here? i can credit you for the next one?


- are you ok?

- are you eating enough?

-are you drinking enough water?

-did you sleep at least 8 hours?

remember I'm here if you need to talk about something or if you just need to vent to me.

Word count: 1094

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