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I think today is gonna be my last dayGoodbye fellas

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I think today is gonna be my last day
Goodbye fellas

Oh stop being so dramatic

My life is literally over
I am not being dramatic

What happened??

Principal wants me to WATCH OVER Heeju
Like what is she a baby??

Oh?? My god
What the hell

I'm not her baby sitter

What? Why is he making you do it

Because he hopes I can teach her my ways of being an exemplary student.

One of the times I'm glad I'm not the president

One of the times I wish you were.

It won't be that bad cmon
Like just because you said you have to doesn't mean you have to watch over her and shit

Maybe that boarding school changed her ways ❤️

She was high at the meeting.
I don't think any of her ways have changed

Oh! Well then I take it back

Jungwon you don't have to just because the principal told you to

Yeah just explain that you don't feel comfortable with her like that

I tried
He didn't care
It's fine I'll get over it
I just have to make sure she doesn't skip and that she passes all her classes

That's a lot to ask from Heeju..

No she's smart
I think she'll do fine

Smart is one of the last words I'd ever use to describe her

No seriously
She used to tutor me in like freshman year

In what? P.E?

😭😭 Pe is crazy

I'm serious
She used to tutor me in Geometry


NingningHeeju wtf are you talking about on your priv

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Heeju wtf are you talking about on your priv

J***w** has to babysit me at school

Bitch who


Shhh don't say his name so loud
He might hear you

You're still with him??

Do you need someone to pick you up?

Yeah pls
And no he left all pissy earlier

I'm omw

Wow best brother ever
Did I ever tell you guys how happy I am to be here now and not in that weird boarding school
Eugh I just got shivers
I hated that place it was scary

How about you tell us when you're actually here sweetie
Or when you're actually sober

Okay then

Okay then

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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