Chap. 1: 'Mission: Tamed-Pomeranian'

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You watch the tv report about the attack on the USJ; it is unbelievable that villains managed to infiltrate UA. Thankfully Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen were there to protect the class.

"Y/n there is no way I can let you go back to that school after what they let happen. I'm scared for your safety." Your sister Aisha worries while rubbing her under-eyes.

"Aisha there's no need to worry about All Might is a teacher at UA. I trust the teachers with Y/n and the other student's safety." Your father Aaron comforts.

"See Aisha even dad agrees that UA is safe." You rattle on, "Anyways I need to get going hopefully the protesters are gone."

You quickly rush out the house grabbing your keys. Rapidly making your way down your appartement building's stairs. Practically running to get to UA; being in UA has made you the happiest you have ever been. After losing your mother from a villain attack, making friends has been quite hard. Everyone tends to stay far away from you to not get hypnotized by your quirk. The kids in middle school thought you would use your quirk to force them to hang out with you. You thought about making that fear a reality a few times.

As you get closer and closer to UA you see the large glass building. What is even the purpose of all those windows? Suddenly, you see Mina!

"MINA!!!" You squeal.

"Y/N!!!!" Mina squeals as well, while grabbing your onto hands and jumping up and down. "Hopefully the teachers will take it easy on us after the USJ incident."

"I hope, I am not in the mood to have tons of homework." You sigh bending down to tie your shoes.

You continue to walk towards UA with Mina meeting more of your friends; Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugo. But Bakugo doesn't think you're friends, you make it your goal while at UA to make Bakugo your friend. That may be a harder task than you first thought. Mina catches you glancing at Bakugo, she is clearly getting the wrong idea, pulling you aside. 

"Do you have a crush on Bakugo?" Mina hinted.

"Ew, no Mina. Its my goal this year to make Bakugo say he's friends with us; I call it Mission: Tamed-Pomeranian." You whisper while grinning. 

"hahaha, what a cringy name!!" Mina laughs. 

"WHAT ARE YOU EXTRAS LAUGHING ABOUT!" Bakugo yells, practically bursting your ear drums. "WE ARE ALMOST LATE HURRY UP!" 

After getting yelled at by Bakugo you guys try to keep up with him. You wonder why he is always yelling, then you get a thought. First step, get to know Midoriya his childhood friend! Hopefully Midoriya will know something to make Bakugo break his persona. You start to rush towards the classroom excited to ask tons of questions about Bakugo. When you burst into the classroom Mr. Aizawa activated his quirk stopping you in your tracks, looks like you guys got their too late. He asks you to take your seat the look on his face every time he uses his quirk terrifies you. 

Suddenly Aizawa mentions to class 1-a that the school will still be holding UA Sports Festival. He encourages you and your class to use this special event to get noticed as the country's top pro heroes will be watching. Your classmates start getting pumped for the event, especially Uraraka. Training for the Sports festival will make it hard for you to get close to Deku, he seems to work really hard. Your brains starts working super hard to try and figure out how to "tame" Bakugo. 

"Uh Y/n I think you activated your quirk?!" Momo mentions, looking worried. 

"OH! Uh sorry I was thinking about the Sports Festival." You quickly think of an excuse, while wafting away the fragrance.

As class starts you forget about the whole Bakugo thing and focus on your schoolwork. The day progresses completely as normal; your teachers in fact did not go easy on you. Unbelievable not going easy on your class after being attacked by villains! After all the "horrible" classes you try and leave to get some extra training done before they look up campus. But when you open the door, you see a large group of UA students, class 1-b plus 2nd and 3rd years. 

"So you're the class that got attacked by villains?" A random UA student buds in. 

"There's nothing special about you guys." Another student says.

"MOVE YOU IDIOTS ARE IN THE WAY!" Bakugo yells while creating explosions in his hand.

Surprisingly all of the students move out the way for him, you quickly follow behind him remembering your mission. He notices you following him but doesn't say anything. Did he actually not yell for once!?! Then he stops and turns around.

"Can you stop activating your quirk!" Bakugo speaks softly, only because of your quirk calming him. 

"Oh I'm sorry It just happens sometimes." You lie because this has never happened twice in one day before. Your control over your quirk is matched with All Mights. 

"And STOP FOLLOWING ME YOU'RE ACTING LIKE THAT LITTLE NERD!!" Bakugo screams, oh there he is you think. 

You continue forward towards the training ground not following Bakugo. When you arrive Midoriya is already there, you walk over, but All Might seems to pull him away before you get a chance. Instead of talking to him or training you decide to listen to music and take a walk while taking down ideas for your mission. You are determined to make Bakugo your friend! 

a/n: sorry for the short first chapter ! hopefully the next chapters will be longer no promises :P 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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