Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 After Party

- Kristins POV -
'My managers kicked everyone out of the club so we can party.'


'Lets go.'

At the club.

'Man. This is nice.'

'Yeah you get bored of it after a while though.'

'I'd imagine.'

'How's your day been? Was the concert good? My fans liked you.'

'It was good. And I'm glad they liked me.'

'So wanna sleep in a hotel tonight? The other artists are going to be there if you want we can go.'

'Yeah that sounds good.'


At the hotel.

'Heres our room. Room 975. Let's go in.'

He opens the door to the hotel... No mansion.

'Let me show you around I've stayed here before.'

'And here's the kitchen... Bathrooms... And our bedroom.'

'It's huge!'


The room was a crimson colour and the wall behind the bed was made of a birch wood. The bed had a red colour duvet and giant pillows with white lace all over the room.

'You don't mind sharing a bed right?'

'No, not one bit.'

'Okay good. I love you Kristin.'

'I love you too.'


Night time.

'Okay, well I don't know about you but I'm tired.'

'Yeah me too. Performing is hard work you know. It's fun. But hard.'

I walk into the room.

'Is there any pyjamas and clothes here. I completely forgot mine.'

'Yeah. I bought some. Not to sound weird or anything but buying clothes for you is fun.'

'Well I'm glad you like doing that.

I look through the clothes and pyjamas he bought me and find so much random crap. But then I see it. A red lace dress. Like a night gown type thing. I put it on. It's beautiful. It must have been so expensive. I can't believe this is my life now. My life. And. I love it.

'You okay in there?' He says.

'Yeah just admiring all these expensive things you bought me.'

'You're cute.' He half yells half laughs.

'Thanks. I'll be right out.'

I leave the red lace dress on and walk out as I see a small box. Cookies? He hid my favourite cookies? In our closet?

'Hey hun. Why are my favourite cookies hidden in our closet?'

'Oh crap. I forgot about those I made them.'

'You made sugar cookies?!'


'You know I didn't see you as the boyfriend that made cookies for his girlfriend.'

'Haha very funny. At least tell me how they taste.' He makes a weird face like he's terrified of me eating them.

I taste them...
They're really sweet.
Oh and they are little hearts. Little Black broken hearts. So cute.

'They're delicious.'

'Oh okay I was worried for a moment you wouldn't like them.'

'You don't need to worry about all those little things.'

'Yes I do. Because I love you.'

'I love you. Forever and always.'


A/N HELLO YOU GUYS ROCK! I'm still sad I didn't get tickets to Marilyn Manson. I wanted to see him perform. That would've been so cool. But whatever I guess. On the concert day I'll just sulk. 😖

Also I'd like to mention although she was on stage she hasn't technically met the band yet. Never talked just saw them.

Guys. I'm mad okay bye. Love you. You're the best!

Twiggy the Twig.❤️

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